originally posted in:Mjolnir Battle Tactics
Thought we could have one, since more members of MBT are starting to play. You know how these things work.
For those that don't know or are interested, league of legends is a free online game where you fight in arenas on teams, trying to destroy the enemy base. Its that RTS-styled field of view, but your champion has skills. Its not an RPG, its not an RTS. Its fun. leagueoflegends.com
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtTvc_9BoGw] Epic Push in a 4v5 match by Me and Dan and Theo[/url]
[Edited on 01.14.2012 11:54 AM PST]
wtf is up with these names? Lu Bu J4? Zhao Yun Xin Zhao? Russian Knight Olaf?
List of upcoming skin names: Steel Legion Lux Lu Bu Jarvan IV Zhao Yun Xin Zhao Dark Havester Viktor High Tech Blitzcrank Metal Wing Kayle Special Forces MF Skarner Battlecast Battle Priestess Soraka (on-hold) Spirit Summoner Udyr (possibly the legendary) Bladestorm Karma Russian Knight Olaf Crimson Elite Katarina Cyber Katarina Battlecast Anivia Battlecast Kog'Maw Norse King Darius Exterminator Twitch Underworld Ashe Dark Crusader Mordekaiser ("on-hold") I'll take the Kog'Maw, Ashe, Twitch, MF skins plz. Works out nice, Kog skin goes with my Battlecast Urgot and MF skin goes with my Special Forces Gangplank skin. :)
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Quickstrike NC [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyjQAYT8h98]League of Draven[/url][/quote] League of Failure.
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyjQAYT8h98]League of Draven[/url] [Edited on 12.25.2012 4:50 PM PST]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Suns1324 GARENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.[/quote] And on that day, a legend was born.
Thought you were buying me Don't Starve. Although I wouldn't be surprised if you don't even remember last night. In case you dont remember, here is a list of things you could get me: 1. Don't Starve (comes with an extra copy you can keep) 2. Portal 1 and 2 pack on sale for 75% off 3. Walking Dead 50% off for the next 6 hours 4. Else, check my Steam Wishlist [Edited on 12.23.2012 1:09 PM PST]
Hopefully everyone is enjoying the xmas gifts. I still need to get Dan one. Suggestions?
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK Someone decide Sun's skin.[/quote] Fifth Age Taric, because hes so FABUUULLOUUUUSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone decide Sun's skin.
Ill take Sabertusk Sejuani instead. I don't really care if they make a new one.
So Darkrider or no?
Dont get a Sej skin. Once they finally fix her up they are bound to make a new skin for her
Darkrider sejuani would be epic!!
Champs Kha'Zix Elise Vi Lee Sin Skins Gentleman Cho RIOT PLZ Vandal Vlad Bad Santa Veigar (although I would need to buy Veigar first...)
Gavin pls.
What does everyone want as far as skins? Or champs?
1111th post.
Because I am free.
Why don't you just use 12 hour clock you homosapien.
My flight tomorrow is at 1800. I will be in Atlanta at my house around 2100 at the earliest. Which means after formal family greetings and drinking a lot, I will be on LOL probably around 2230.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vishra [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 Legacy Skin sale happens tomorrow and tomorrow ONLY!!! [url=http://www.finalesfunkeln.com/2013.html]Here are all the skins, and their 50% off prices, that will be available for the sale[/url]. Get them while they're hot boys![/quote] Til January 6th actually.[/quote] Yea, what a sham.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 Legacy Skin sale happens tomorrow and tomorrow ONLY!!! [url=http://www.finalesfunkeln.com/2013.html]Here are all the skins, and their 50% off prices, that will be available for the sale[/url]. Get them while they're hot boys![/quote] Til January 6th actually.
I'm not getting any of them.
Only one I really want is the Ryze skin
Legacy Skin sale happens tomorrow and tomorrow ONLY!!! [url=http://www.finalesfunkeln.com/2013.html]Here are all the skins, and their 50% off prices, that will be available for the sale[/url]. Get them while they're hot boys!