originally posted in:Mjolnir Battle Tactics
Thought we could have one, since more members of MBT are starting to play. You know how these things work.
For those that don't know or are interested, league of legends is a free online game where you fight in arenas on teams, trying to destroy the enemy base. Its that RTS-styled field of view, but your champion has skills. Its not an RPG, its not an RTS. Its fun. leagueoflegends.com
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtTvc_9BoGw] Epic Push in a 4v5 match by Me and Dan and Theo[/url]
[Edited on 01.14.2012 11:54 AM PST]
MLG event goes live at 5 EST [url=http://www.majorleaguegaming.com/home]Linky[/url] Stream won't start until the beginning of the event.
You have to get on to see.
Wuts da present?
Dannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn You didn't get on today to see my present for you.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA85IsVR6Zo]Video form of League of Draven[/url]. It repeats itself. Over. And Over. And Over. And Over... I will be playing this everytime I play Draven from now on. :) EDIT: I found one for [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-GZ5BCr8D8]Gavin[/url] to use when he plays Taric![/quote] Love it <3 The song is Let Me Hit It (Audiostalkers Mix) by Sporty-O Of course there is also one for [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpOC8NZAx24&feature=related]Demacia[/url]. I will demacia your mommy. [Edited on 08.02.2012 10:10 AM PDT]
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA85IsVR6Zo]Video form of League of Draven[/url]. It repeats itself. Over. And Over. And Over. And Over... I will be playing this everytime I play Draven from now on. :) EDIT: I found one for [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-GZ5BCr8D8]Gavin[/url] to use when he plays Taric! [Edited on 08.01.2012 10:29 PM PDT]
The same as my normal one.
Well, for one everyone was also mad crazy to try the reworks, so 2/3 people every game were autolocking Eve, Twitch, or Xin. Second, figure out where her icon is in champ select, and after you press accept for a game, have your mouse there and just spam click. Should usually get her for you. Whats your name on the PBE?
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK What the hell is PBE?[/quote] Public Beta Environment. Basically all the patches are released on the PBE before the actual client for testing about ~1 week in advance. It's free to sign up and download the PBE, and you are given free IP/RP every week to buy whatever champs/skins you want to test.
Whoah whoah whoah whoah whoah whoah whoah . . . What the hell is PBE? Also I would say my Taric play is up to my Janna. Since we usually lack tankiness, it seems like a good decision to have him in my top. Especially since Dan always needs heals. He never plays nice with the other kids. [Edited on 07.31.2012 10:44 PM PDT]
Stonewall said she has a legitimate shot at being a decent jungle choice too. Her clear speed is great for an ap champ. Plus the CC and mobility make for good ganks.
I succeeded in getting one game. One thing is for sure: she's not easy. She is an AP Brusier, which is completely original and fresh for this game. Only thing that comes close is Ryze or Rumble, and your can't even compare the playstyles. She has great initiations and her burst can be astounding if combo'd correctly. She plays sort of like a beefier Akali with better CC. She gains more damage off of attack speed because of her passive, yet all her skills scale with AP. it's tough to find a build that gives you just the right amount of tankiness with good damage as well. Here is my theoretical build: Boots+3 hp, Catalyst, hunting guise, merc treads, Rod of ages, wits end, chain mail, malady, sunfire cape, rabadons or rylies crystal scepter. Abyssal scepter wouldn't be bad either. [Edited on 07.31.2012 9:28 PM PDT]
I got the PBE to try Diana, and I must say... Its impossible to choose her in time. How did you do it with Zyra Vishra?
I know it might ruin things guys. I apologize and it makes me feel good that y'all don't want to see your support go away. I promise I will let yall know the situation as soon as I get up there. The best thing that might happen is that the weekends are a time when most people don't use the internet. Lack of users = more bandwidth = better internet. That would probably be the only time I could play anyway due to school/military duties and the like.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK Tell the rest of the U.S to pay their taxes[/quote] Fùck taxes. Make the rich just pay it all for us.
Tell the rest of the U.S to pay their taxes
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Quickstrike NC Have you played LOL at West Point before? My core junglers: -Amumu -Hecarim -Lee Sin -Malphite -Maokai -Nautilus -Nocturne -Shyvana -Pantheon -Volibear[/quote] My personal opinion, the top 5 of those are: Nautilus Nocturne Lee Sin Amumu Hecarim/Shyvana I think Noc and Naut are the two best jungler atm, with Amumu making his way up to top tier really fast due to his cc ability. Gavin, put your foot down and get good interwebs!
I started playing LoL at home this summer and I haven't been back to base since.
Have you played LOL at West Point before? My core junglers: -Amumu -Hecarim -Lee Sin -Malphite -Maokai -Nautilus -Nocturne -Shyvana -Pantheon -Volibear
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK Btw, I leave for West Point next week. So you know that means I will be going back to that place with the really -blam!-ty government internet. Who knows if I will be able to play if I get up there.[/quote] This could ruin everything :(
Btw, I leave for West Point next week. So you know that means I will be going back to that place with the really -blam!-ty government internet. Who knows if I will be able to play if I get up there.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK Since we are all talking about our core champions as of right now I got: Janna (no surprise) Soraka Taric Sona Not a lot. But a good cycle I think since one of these champions is usually banned in ranked.[/quote] Now you just need to start to try to learn some of the harder supports, like Blitz/Alistar/Nunu/etc.
Since we are all talking about our core champions as of right now I got: Janna (no surprise) Soraka Taric Sona Not a lot. But a good cycle I think since one of these champions is usually banned in ranked.
Seeing as how I have 5-6 go-to junglers, I don't really need for you guys to pick up any of them. If they ban a few of them it won't really shut me down. Vishra, I want you to learn Fizz, has his AP ratio's are insane and he snowballs very hard, and Cassiopeia, as she counters many other AP mids. Other than that I think you have a good balanced selection. There are so many AP casters for you to learn and play eventually, but right now you need a core set that you can use in ranked. Like Dan said, you should fill your rune page.
I like Karthus and TF because of the global ults. They are big games changers. Morgana is nice to have because of the shield can prevent any attempts to shut down the carry. A lot better than any shield a support can provide. Zyra is op, so yes you must get good with her. Ahri has such a high skill cap and if don't have a early good game, she just snowballs.