originally posted in:Mjolnir Battle Tactics
Thought we could have one, since more members of MBT are starting to play. You know how these things work.
For those that don't know or are interested, league of legends is a free online game where you fight in arenas on teams, trying to destroy the enemy base. Its that RTS-styled field of view, but your champion has skills. Its not an RPG, its not an RTS. Its fun. leagueoflegends.com
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtTvc_9BoGw] Epic Push in a 4v5 match by Me and Dan and Theo[/url]
[Edited on 01.14.2012 11:54 AM PST]
I like Karthus and TF because of the global ults. They are big games changers. Morgana is nice to have because of the shield can prevent any attempts to shut down the carry. A lot better than any shield a support can provide. Zyra is op, so yes you must get good with her. Ahri has such a high skill cap and if don't have a early good game, she just snowballs.
Yea, TF is a great one to get good with. Global Ult comps are fun. If we run a comp with a TF/Krath, Shen/Noc, and Ezreal/Ashe/Draven, it's so much global ownage.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 Malz is meh. I would be more focused on filling your rune page if I were you. Also continue to learn the top AP mids. As for buying champs just for purpose of trades, I wouldn't worry about that till way down the road. Personally, I don't see me needing someone to pick an AD carry for me, unless our team needs a specific one. I am comfortable playing pretty much every AD carry.[/quote] Right now, I'm focusing on the following five: Morgana Ahri Zyra Karthus Twisted Fate Surprisingly, while I used to hate TF, I've been playing him more and getting better with him. He scales insanely well late game, and adds a lot to a team comp.
Malz is meh. I would be more focused on filling your rune page if I were you. Also continue to learn the top AP mids. As for buying champs just for purpose of trades, I wouldn't worry about that till way down the road. Personally, I don't see me needing someone to pick an AD carry for me, unless our team needs a specific one. I am comfortable playing pretty much every AD carry.
OK, so I need some opinions here. I'm currently debating whether or not to buy Malzahar, or stick with the AP Mids I currently have and concentrate on filling out rune pages/other roles. I've played some games with Malz on my PBE account, and he fits my playstyle. He has a good farm rate, can basically win any 1v1 where the opponent doesnt have QSS, and can snowball greatly. However, I also want us to have an effective team when we start doing ranked. Part of a good team is the ability to swap out champs. If I'm a high pick and Dan wants a particular AD Carry, or we want a broken champ that wasn't banned, I want us to be able to get it and get it to the person who wants it. Same if I'm last pick and someone like Morgana or Zyra are not banned. Along with this, I want to eventually have 3 different AP rune pages for various situations. Which do ya'll want more? Malz is capable of some pretty nuts carrying, but would you rather I pick up champs like Jax, Malphite, and Shen so we can do trades more easily?
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Quickstrike NC New Twitch is fun?[/quote] Yea, he is fun. I definitely use stealth a lot less with him now because it's so short. I really only use it for ganks or traveling across the map for the speed boost.
Dan played really well as those characters when I was supporting him. I think my Taric play has gotten substantially better over this week as well. Also, I now have enough champions in order to play in the ranked queue. All that is left is my level 30.
New Twitch is fun?
I did work tonight and I was playing as unique AD carries. 1st game went ham with Jayce. 2nd game did my first AD Kennen bot and it went VERY well. He was tons of fun. 3rd game ran some Twitch and wrecked shît.
Wrecked face.
Well we lol'd tonight. The pedo is still missing as is the old man. [Edited on 07.29.2012 10:26 PM PDT]
Anyone loling tonight??
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SmartAlec13 No one is ever on :/[/quote] Not our fault you have been busy touching little kids all summer.
No one is ever on :/
No, I didn't, lol.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Suns1324 Olympic stuff? Man that was boring, lol.[/quote] You're telling me you didn't enjoy watching the "Queen" jump out of a helicopter with James Bond?????
Olympic stuff? Man that was boring, lol.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Suns1324 Dan where you been babe?[/quote] Was gonna get on tonight, but then I watched the Olympic stuff. Wont be on tomorrow night either cause I'll be at Panther Training Camp. So I guess next time I'll be playing is Sunday.
I got Zyra, played a match or two as her. She is fun
Dan where you been babe?
PBE got a patch that brought Diana out. [url=http://imgur.com/a/uvLZR#NyFEY]Diana Splash[/url] [url=http://imgur.com/a/uvLZR#3pEHm]New Chogath Skin Splash[/url] [url=http://imgur.com/a/RWpXe]Updated Splash for Ryze, Morde, Kass, Ezreal, Cass, and Ashe[/url] [url=http://imgur.com/a/aYFLy]In-Game Models for defualt Diana, Dark Valkyrie Diana, and Battlecast Chogath[/url] [url=http://imgur.com/sC9Pb]Battlecast Skarner teaser in Battlecast Chogath Splash[/url] [url=http://www.surrenderat20.net/2012/07/7-27-pbe-update-diana-and-new-chogath.html]Unofficial list of changes in the patch[/url]
lol What the hell are you guys searching finding this stuff?
[url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/208/b/c/league_of_legends__zyra_by_ganassa-d58sncl.jpg]Will this make Alec want Zyra more, or less?[/url]
I mean I guess if youre still learning yeah. Anivia really isnt that hard to play though
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SmartAlec13 The moon lady looks more like a Leona+Ahri mix. She rushes around, spheres blow up, she gets a refreshing shield. And Anivia isn't high skill cap lol. Press Q, press Q again, E for more damage, dead person is dead. Home for the weekend, gonna play a ton, I wanna get Zyra[/quote] You cray. Anyone can go herpderp spam a champs abilities. However, there is a LOT that separates a decent Anivia from a great one. Same with Ahri. Anyone can go herpEQWRderp, but being able to poke with q properly, hit with an e, or use her ult effectively take skill and practice.
The moon lady looks more like a Leona+Ahri mix. She rushes around, spheres blow up, she gets a refreshing shield. And Anivia isn't high skill cap lol. Press Q, press Q again, E for more damage, dead person is dead. Home for the weekend, gonna play a ton, I wanna get Zyra