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originally posted in:Mjolnir Battle Tactics
Edited by SmartAlec13: 1/17/2013 3:45:09 AM

Official League of Legends discussion thread

Thought we could have one, since more members of MBT are starting to play. You know how these things work. For those that don't know or are interested, league of legends is a free online game where you fight in arenas on teams, trying to destroy the enemy base. Its that RTS-styled field of view, but your champion has skills. Its not an RPG, its not an RTS. Its fun. [url=] Epic Push in a 4v5 match by Me and Dan and Theo[/url] [Edited on 01.14.2012 11:54 AM PST]

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  • :P

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    You're still an as.shole

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  • I don't care about my stats lol. If I did I wouldnt have helped a bunch of people learn to play :P

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    Yall are missing the point here. This has nothing to do with what characters we play with, but that the fact that Alec is an -blam!-. He cares more about his stats than his friends.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vishra so stop getting your panties in a twist lol.[/quote] The same could easily be said for you. I find Garen fun and out of the characters I have tried, the only one to be worth any time. Gavin obviously enjoys Janna a lot, and that's who he wants to play, though I shouldn't speak for him. I have no problem playing bottom with Gavin at all, and we do well whenever we go together, for the most part. You're assuming that because I'm Garen I need to go top, if it's for fun, then why do you care so much? Instead of coming on here and complaining about it, say that you want to go top, I don't have any problem with it. Instead of saying how everyone acts like 5 year olds, then trying to provoke a heated argument like a child, why don't you just do a little logical thinking? [Edited on 06.20.2012 12:08 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Suns1324 Instead of telling us what to do, why don't you guys get your crap in order? I play top and I play it well, worry about your own jobs, the same goes for Gavin. Gavin plays support and he does it well.[/quote] What if one of us want to play one of those positions? I never said either of you didn't play them well, because you do. My point is that we lose a bunch of flexibility that way, and if we're playing for fun, it means we can't play positions we might want to play. I know I've come to enjoy top a lot, and I'm good at it. But if you're in the game, that spot is automatically locked out for me to play. If it was ranked or something, I have no problem doing what is needed for the team. But if it's for fun, I want to be able to play different champs/lanes each game. No one is bossing you around, so stop getting your panties in a twist lol.

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    All lies. Alec has been playing us this whole time.

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  • I don't really care that they only play a few positions, just means we have to be more flexible. I just don't have the time to sit and communicate who is playing with who and all that. Like I said Gavin, that might have been my friend on

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  • Instead of telling us what to do, why don't you guys get your crap in order? I play top and I play it well, worry about your own jobs, the same goes for Gavin. Gavin plays support and he does it well.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Quickstrike NC I don't care about win/loss in normal games that much. It matters and Id like to win, but as long as we're not losing in ranked I'm cool.conce everyone hits 30 it's about to get serious. I'm referring to how TJ won't play with us because he is tired of losing, like playing with the lower level guys is going to make him lose. [/quote] I think the bigger problem is flexibility. McG and Suns both like to use just one champion atm, and it DOES reduce the amount of good team comps we can do. If our top lane is always Garen, it means we won't have a Shen, Vlad, Irelia, whatever on the team. Gavin as Janna is the same thing, although it's not as bad I think due to the smaller number of support options and that the two best are Janna/Soraka. I know I've been attempting to branch out to other roles such as AD Carry, and if Suns and Gavin can find characters at other positions that would fit there style, it would be good to try out. I feel like Suns could play a mean Shyvana in jungle if he got to try her out. No mana which he likes, and jungle seems like something he would do quite well once he had some time with it. Or an AP Carry, although the ones without mana are few. Kennen maybe?

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    That still makes you an -blam!-. At least talk to me and not give me a cold shoulder.

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  • I mean TJ is right on that, we do tend to lose a little more. Its just sometimes not as fun as playing at your own level. Not to mention you can get out of shape if you get too used to playing with lower levels. I will play with you guys on Saturdays/Friday nights when I am home. But if I game while at camp, I am usually on for a quick game, then switching off to either go hang with people, or so a friend can use my laptop. Anyway. Dominating with Xerath and Swain as usual, can't wait for the new Scorched Earth Skin for Xerath. Even though I like the lightning, the fire/lava looks so cool

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  • I don't care about win/loss in normal games that much. It matters and Id like to win, but as long as we're not losing in ranked I'm cool.conce everyone hits 30 it's about to get serious. I'm referring to how TJ won't play with us because he is tired of losing, like playing with the lower level guys is going to make him lose.

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  • Hey we won yesterday what are you on about?

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  • And not lose.

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  • Cause I just want to get on and play for a bit

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    Alec will no longer play with any of us.

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  • Sounds like they know what the problem is and they re now trying to fix it.

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    How much -blam!- longer does the server need to be down.

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  • Basically what Theo said. To win the poke fight, just land your Q on him whenever it is off of cooldown, and possibly throw in an E for some more damage. If you are clearly losing the fight, just farm with your Q. One of Vlad's main strengths is that he can just sit in lane forever as long as your Q is always on cooldown. Just farm your way up till lvl6, and then hope for a chance to kill. By lvl 9 (a.k.a maxed Q) you should be able to get your footing back. Whittle him down low enough where you can Q-R-E combo him down. And be wary of using your pool in fights. Only use it when the damage you are dodging is greater than 20% of your current HP. So using it to dodge a blinding dart, or to initiate a fight, won't be worth it. Even though it "slows".

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vishra My jimmies are officially rustled. It seems I cannot beat Teemo toplane as Vlad under level 9/10, and it's infuriating. Anyone have a suggestion for AD Carry bot lane? Have Sivir already, and thinking of Graves, although he costs 6300 ip and I have like 200, thanks to filling out runes. edit: Want something more akin to graves, aka dishes out a lot of damage quickly. Sivir can kind of do it, but her ult is much more of a support-based skill. I just want someone who is a straight damage-doer with all of their skills, so I can work on my creep killing/team fighting.[/quote] Vladamir should be able to beat Teemo... Teemo is only useful against other auto attacking champions top. The real only good reason he is a viable top play is because of his blind, allowing him to poke the enemy champion while they are unable to fight back. Vlad, however, can just use his abilities to take damage on Teemo. Vlad is a sustain champion, not a burst champion. So never engage in a full out fight with any other champion 1 on 1. It should be a war of pokes, and Vlad should almost always win a war of pokes with his sustain. The other champion should get whittled down while Vlad should maintain rather healthy. If you are poking Teemo and he runs, do not chase. As you'll almost always run into a mushroom. Also do not engage Teemo while he is in the bushes, as this is what most Teemo's want. If you're having trouble with Teemo is a poke battle, just farm. You'll recover health and will be able to re-engage. If you're last hitting correctly, then the farm war should be even, and you should be healed. In the end, Vlad should really have little to no trouble with Teemo. Vlad has the most trouble against high-burst champions.

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  • Dan where are you f-ggot!

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    I'm waiting for everyone else.

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  • We playin' LoL today or what?

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    Ashe is the best one to start out with learning AD carry I think. Graves/Cait are both good too because they are fairly simple. I'd stay away from Varus/Sivir/Draven since they take a little more skill (in my opinion). EDIT: to answer your edit, straight up damage ad carrys are Graves, Cait, and Trist. (you can get Trist for free if you don't already know. Just like the Riot facebook page) [Edited on 06.15.2012 9:24 AM PDT]

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  • My jimmies are officially rustled. It seems I cannot beat Teemo toplane as Vlad under level 9/10, and it's infuriating. Anyone have a suggestion for AD Carry bot lane? Have Sivir already, and thinking of Graves, although he costs 6300 ip and I have like 200, thanks to filling out runes. edit: Want something more akin to graves, aka dishes out a lot of damage quickly. Sivir can kind of do it, but her ult is much more of a support-based skill. I just want someone who is a straight damage-doer with all of their skills, so I can work on my creep killing/team fighting. [Edited on 06.15.2012 9:22 AM PDT]

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