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originally posted in:Mjolnir Battle Tactics
Edited by SmartAlec13: 1/17/2013 3:45:09 AM

Official League of Legends discussion thread

Thought we could have one, since more members of MBT are starting to play. You know how these things work. For those that don't know or are interested, league of legends is a free online game where you fight in arenas on teams, trying to destroy the enemy base. Its that RTS-styled field of view, but your champion has skills. Its not an RPG, its not an RTS. Its fun. [url=] Epic Push in a 4v5 match by Me and Dan and Theo[/url] [Edited on 01.14.2012 11:54 AM PST]

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  • I did :P I already got in to the Dota2 beta, I was one of the randomly chosen. Dota2 could be fun, but there are a lot of aspects about it that I don't like. I probably have a bias towards league, but oh well.

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  • Alec, check your PMs. :3

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  • New legendary Galio skin is out. It is pretty OP. So OP that I [url=]made a mini-montage out of it. [/url] The effects on it are pretty sweet, worth it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SmartAlec13 Its more like 6 seconds, Dan. And Dan is right though. The whole idea with Tryndamere is to fight as much as you can withought your ultimate, but when youre about to die, use it. Then you must assess the situation. You have to choose to either A)Get the -blam!- out. Only attempt this if you will actually get away, like if the enemy completly ignores you, youre fast enough, or you have spin/flash to get out. B)Go down fighting. Because Tryndamere can become invincible, he becomes a super tank. You can then hope the enemy will focus you, meanwhile your team is able to kill them. You may die, but your team got kills. The main thing is withought his ult, tryndamere should be played like Master Yi. You can spank people a lot, but you are decently squishy, and will die easier. So play a little more safe. Once you have your ultimate, AND your team is ready, your team can charge in, you start taking people out. Tryndamere is considered "OP" because he can deal so much damage, especially if he gets enough farm or minion kills. And if you focus him down (like you would with most carries), he can just ult and get 6-ish free seconds to dive strait into your team and -blam!- your squishy teammates. Mastering Tryndamere's ult is a big step. You also need to know if you will survive or not. My friend plays trynd a lot, and he constantly overestimates himself,runs into situations he shouldn't be in, and dies. So play it decently-safe untill you plan on actually fighting and actually ulting. Also, if you are going in, try and save your spin to escape. Assuming when you ult you are hitting tons of crits, it may be up by the time your ult ends, but it isn't always if you didnt smack anyone. Your spin is a key initation/escape tool. It can go through walls, and deals some damage. Also. What order are you maxing the skills in? You should be maxing your Q, the heal, first. I would max the slow second personally, but some people like to max the spin second.[/quote] I try to max blood thirst fist that way i have a healing ability that can keep me going, I also try to go for something that gives me defense and health at the beginning of the game, And I didnt really think of trynd as a squishy before but it makes kinda sense XD

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  • Its more like 6 seconds, Dan. And Dan is right though. The whole idea with Tryndamere is to fight as much as you can withought your ultimate, but when youre about to die, use it. Then you must assess the situation. You have to choose to either A)Get the -blam!- out. Only attempt this if you will actually get away, like if the enemy completly ignores you, youre fast enough, or you have spin/flash to get out. B)Go down fighting. Because Tryndamere can become invincible, he becomes a super tank. You can then hope the enemy will focus you, meanwhile your team is able to kill them. You may die, but your team got kills. The main thing is withought his ult, tryndamere should be played like Master Yi. You can spank people a lot, but you are decently squishy, and will die easier. So play a little more safe. Once you have your ultimate, AND your team is ready, your team can charge in, you start taking people out. Tryndamere is considered "OP" because he can deal so much damage, especially if he gets enough farm or minion kills. And if you focus him down (like you would with most carries), he can just ult and get 6-ish free seconds to dive strait into your team and -blam!- your squishy teammates. Mastering Tryndamere's ult is a big step. You also need to know if you will survive or not. My friend plays trynd a lot, and he constantly overestimates himself,runs into situations he shouldn't be in, and dies. So play it decently-safe untill you plan on actually fighting and actually ulting. Also, if you are going in, try and save your spin to escape. Assuming when you ult you are hitting tons of crits, it may be up by the time your ult ends, but it isn't always if you didnt smack anyone. Your spin is a key initation/escape tool. It can go through walls, and deals some damage. Also. What order are you maxing the skills in? You should be maxing your Q, the heal, first. I would max the slow second personally, but some people like to max the spin second.

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    [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] orcinmansam Heres on for ya, I play Tryndamere, im told hes OP but i dont think i play him right, i just seem to not have enough health and I die in almost every battle i get into with someone, what items should i buy to rectify this? [/quote] First off, are you using his ult correctly? Activate it right before you are about to die and it gives you ~3 seconds of invincibility, but be sure you get out of harms way before those ~3 seconds run out. In terms of items, Tyrndamere is all about damage output and speed. So items like Bloodthirster, Infinity Edge, and Phantom Dancer work great on him. If you really feel like you need more health, a Frozen Mallet wouldn't hurt.

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  • Heres on for ya, I play Tryndamere, im told hes OP but i dont think i play him right, i just seem to not have enough health and I die in almost every battle i get into with someone, what items should i buy to rectify this?

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  • I have done a few more games as him. His passive is cool I guess. Getting slowed takes it away though. His Q doesnt do amazing damage, but you can spam it so much, and it has slightly longer range than your attacks, so I have gotten kills with it just barely. His W is cool, and can heal you a lot in teamfights. But kinda sucks as a "sustain" skill. The damage on it is small. His E is really fun, and does a huge amount of damage, especially while jungling. His Ult is very situational. You can't really use it in the middle of combat, it just doesnt feel right. Its best used exactly like Shyvanas ult. I think my favourite moment playing him so far is the enemy team was doing dragon, so we quickly did baron. They didn't have it warded, so we were able to do it safely. We then sat in the baron-side-river-mid-lane bush and their team walked into mid lane, and we waited, planning our ambush. I turned on my E, charged right into their entire team with my ult, scrambling them so my carries could get better angles on their carries, and I just chased down their Hecarim for the ace.

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    Oh, a jungle tanky DPS champion? Haven't had one of those in a while!! PASS. Bring on Varus bîtches.

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  • Hecarim has finally come out. I have only played one bot game as him. From that and forum opinions I have seen, he is borderline underpowered. He doesn't deal enough damage for the not-tankyness he has. I think if they just buff his AD ratios he could be good. Still is fun to play though, if you like feeling like a horse, charging into the fight and chasing along side people

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  • Yes.

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  • Sure.

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  • Neither. My friend tagged me in them so I would see it, and be "jealous" that he went. Im not though lol

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    Guess which one is Alec [url=]linky[/url]

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  • Destroyed that Kog in our match so hard. I was doing like 1/4th his HP with my Q

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  • My skype will be open unless my computer shuts itself off if I have gone somewhere.

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  • April fools? I will play

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  • I want to play some games today.

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  • I would like to play with yall sometime. Add me: xXThatGuyOnLoLXx And yes I know my name is stupid.

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  • Well someone get Lulu, ill be the Cho Gath :P

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    Pics or it didn't happen.

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  • Its pretty big. Even better would be.. Max Cho Gath + Surge + Dominion Storm Shield Buff + LuLu Ult. Apparently someone tested it out, and its huge.

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    I still want to see a max size Chogath get an ult from Lulu.

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  • I thought that was hilarious. I had a lulu in a game today. She wasn't very good at first, but I am guessing she was first time LuLu. Her ult is really really good, and can change the tide of battle easily. She would just Ult+Whimsey (speed+AP buff) our Ryze and he became unstoppable. I carried as Chogath too, it was nice to know I still got it with my older champs (first 3 champs were Ashe, Cho and Fiddle)

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    "Even though Lulu is a support, I like to play her as a jungler." -Phreak trolololol

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  • Lulu is so annoying to play against!!! [Edited on 03.20.2012 11:12 AM PDT]

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