originally posted in:The Burning Rangers
"A Plea to Bungie," by Paul the Thrall
You Guardians make me sick. You're supposed to be selfless defenders of the world, yet all you do is complain about yourselves. "But... but... my heavy ammo!!!" "Hey everyone, GYPtarch? Get it? 'Cause he gyps us? Guys?"
Lighten up. Why don't you try seeing things from my perspective?
My name is Paul, and I'm a Level 7 Thrall. I've played Destiny since the Alpha, and I'm sickened (almost to the point of being Cursed) by Bungie's unwillingness to address the numerous glitches that plague us, keeping us in the Darkness. I've been bombed, fisted, gunned down, bladed, blinded, and scorched; enough is enough. Here's a little list I've scratched up for you selfish Guardians to pore over. (Also, someone will have to replace this keyboard. Sorry.)
Losing Glimmer, Black Wax Idols, and Engrams on Death
Do you have any idea how long it takes me to scrounge up even NINE glimmer? I don't even have pockets to store it, so I just have to hold it in my claws. It's awful that we lose it on death. And don't get me started on losing engrams. My friend Jamal lost a purple one yesterday, and I overheard one of you Guardians shrieking like a little girl. Must be nice! The Wizards tell us those are the best, but I prefer the green ones; I just have a thing for green. It just really sucks to wake up with it in my inventory and then lose it when I die (which is often) before I get the chance to play with it. Also, the Black Wax Idol was a gift from my mother, Momnigul; I'd like it back please. It's just a sentimental thing.
Hunter Invisibility Glitch
This happens way too often. I'll be clawing away at one of those emo-looking cloaked guys, and then they knife me once and disappear. Or, even worse, they just crouch in place and vanish into thin air. I don't know why the devs haven't addressed this glitch; I know he's there. I've even bumped into him before. Not only has Bungie ignored it, but they've let it get worse. Now some of them disappear as I hit them. Bungie, plz fix.
Wizards OP in the Hivecible
I think this goes without saying. I've gotten a lot better in the Hivecible lately; using Double Swipe instead of Single Swipe has really boosted my K/D. That said, I'll never get my K/D over .0002 if you don't nerf Wizards. I mean, I can't even reach them for Oryx's sake.
Rocks, Pillars, Other Raised Platforms OP in PVE
Should be obvious why.... My buddy Saul doesn't even come out of his hole anymore. It's gotten that bad lately.
Guardians, I hope you see the light darkness. We hive it much worse than you do. Must be knights to fire projectiles! Know what my "projectile" wiz? MY OWN BODY. Curse you guys for complaining!
LMAO!!! I needed this to get me through the day at work!
Lol. "fisted"