originally posted in:Order Of The Lost Light
Alright everybody, Post your level, Class, Gt and If you have a mic or not on this topic. I will be setting up teams of members to help one another in these things if you could post your time zone and when you get on and how long you stand on. Iron banner and vault of glass both need teams as they are both just about imposable to do solo. So post your info and I'll get you in a team so you can kick ass!
Moogle 1 L24 hunter - looking to play VoG (1st time) or any strikes. Online now, have mic. shoot me an invite anytime. Thanks!
GT: GaijinSoul, 29 hunter maxed both subclass. Done VOG before and have oracle weapon. On most of the time. Uk
Gt: Blackfrost Wolf xbox 360 lvl29 LFG for iron banner, inv me please. Randoms suck and it pisses me off
Lvl 25 hunter Have a mic GT same as above
Lvl 25 (26 soon) hunter Central time Have mic Can do PvP and vog Gt same as above
Level 28 Titan maxed Gamertag is Doctor Squirts Have mic and am pretty well versed in VoG
Level 28 Titan striker/defender maxed. Always down for pvp and VoG Eastern time zone.
Level 28 Titan maxed out both striker and defender. East coast time zone. Have a mic and GT is jus0N3. (It's a zero not the letter O).
Sidekick Dan Lv 27 Hunter (Maxed out gunslinger) I have a mic and play most things regularly Live in UK so will be free most evening and Weekends GMT/BST time
Paradox711 Level 27 Warlock Level 28/9 Hunter (Primary) Level 26 Titan I have a mic, and I've done VoG before, and have play crucible and Iron banner a lot. Feel free to invite me or message me about either.