originally posted in:Order Of The Lost Light
Yo boys and girls,
For a start, welcome to the clan, thanks for joining. Next the code...well more a bunch of a guide really:
- [b][u]If you havent done so already please Post your Xbox Gamertag on the groupwall/message, and here in the forum.[/u][/b] (Feel free to do it under this topic if you like so people only have to scroll down when adding.)
- [u][b]Next rule, Add everyone else's Gamertag.[/b][/u] Mine is: Paradox711 (Yes I know theres like 50 of us now but the more you add the better experience you'll have and the less waiting you'll do. You add. You see them in game. You party up and kickass. Thats the point rather than coming on here all the time.)
- [u][b] If you're even reading this post then i have to assume your a pretty standup kind of guy/gal so please rep the clan. [/b][/u]Why? It takes two secs to click on the button below the group name and motto, between 'Interact' and 'About' and it gets you achievements if you play with others in the clan and it helps us get more members for you to play the game with. (Also it's kind of the least you can do after we've set all this up for you.)
- Last but not least... [b][u]No recruiting in the clan[/u][/b]. It's just kind of bad taste in my opinion. You want to start your own clan up? Awesome, go to it buddy. Somewhere else! I did it the hard way in the bigger channels so you can to.
- Go Kick some ass. [b][u]Foul language is allowed and in many circumstances encouraged[/u][/b]. If someone pisses you off, don't bad mouth em', just don't play with em' there's plenty of others here.
Thanks very much.
I'm looking for a clan that's down to do raids often gt AWESOMESUPERDUD thanks 😊
GT HaxOred26
Hi guys GT: Yezzy103 I just got TDB and looking to do nightfalls, bounties and raids with you guys. Level 28 warlock
Gt: supersubsonicx
GT is SharpShoota233
Greetings Guardians... Gamer tag is GibletsOfFire and I'm looking for help on weekly strikes, raids etc... On most evenings if anyone fancies helping out :)
Gt is FlyPurplePanda Add me I'm a noob thx
Da_rooki3_22 looking to do the weekly and nightfall
Greetings ya'll. My name is CEO MAN (iPlayThePiano is bungie account) and gt is CEO MAN. I am a 30 titan who loves to crack jokes and enjoy nightfall's, weeklies, raides, etc. I am a newbie to this clan, but i am looking very forward to congregate with you all in the VOG or Crota's toilet bowl on the moon. Cheers :D
Edited by A Chief: 12/15/2014 10:10:59 PM
Edited by CrimsonSlayer96: 2/4/2015 4:45:32 PMHey all. I'm CrimsonSlayer96(Just call me Crimson though, k?) I'm a level 32 warlock willing to help with anyone about anything. Add me, Message me, Invite me, I'm down for anything including raids and nightfall on hard mode. Let's team up and become legends. Heads up when playing with me: Xbox One only
Hi all! I haven't completed VoG yet but really want to get this done and prepare myself for The Dark Below. I'm currently playing a Titan at the moment, almost level 28. I have a mic, I'm willing to listen and follow tactics. I have previously played most CoD and Halo games along with numerous MMO's, having previously raided hardcore with WoW. These days I would be looking at a more casual take on raids, with the aim to have fun but still progress. Please everyone add me. Cheers guys! GT: Blood Craver Timezone: GMT
Level 25 warlock right now. Pretty new to the game. Looking for just about anything but VoG and Nightfalls until I can get my rank up some more. GT: Jared TheJaguar.
29 Titan GT rubberer ducky
Lvl 21 warlock so far constantly running strikes trying to gear up
Anyone still looking to do this weeks raids and what not? I have found the time to do so until now :)
Hi all. Met "Nate is Sublime" online and he suggested I request to join. I'm lvl 27 Hunter and working on Warlock now (up to lvl 18 as of this writing). I have a mic and play most days. Live in MD and have done everything solo thus far. Would love to join for raids, strikes etc. Thanks. Famous Grouse 5
TheFool124 titan level 25
Eonfusion Black 29 Titan (Both subclasses maxed) 27 Hunter
GT: Pastor Kills Level 28 Warlock EST
GT: Xxx SCHOE xxX Level 25 gunslinger hunter, sup.
Gt: Kaoticcz Three level 30 warlock capability, at any time. EXTREMELY good crucible player and the raid has become SEAMLESS for me and my friends.
Open to all Guardians at any level who rep the cult. We want players who are always ready to raid, run a nightfall or knock out a few crucible matches. Open across all platforms!! There is a Clan of "No Tomorrow" for each class so if you are viewing this as a different class and want to join please visit the appropriate clan page :) Thanks! Hunters of No Tomorrow http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/550601 Warlocks of No Tomorrow http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/550671 Titans of No Tomorrow http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/550657 These are fresh clans and we need at least 3 people in each of these to get the name live.
GT: Hailedvirus Hunter Level 29 Looking to do anything really, just want to enjoy playing the game with people.