originally posted in:Order Of The Lost Light
Yo boys and girls,
For a start, welcome to the clan, thanks for joining. Next the code...well more a bunch of a guide really:
- [b][u]If you havent done so already please Post your Xbox Gamertag on the groupwall/message, and here in the forum.[/u][/b] (Feel free to do it under this topic if you like so people only have to scroll down when adding.)
- [u][b]Next rule, Add everyone else's Gamertag.[/b][/u] Mine is: Paradox711 (Yes I know theres like 50 of us now but the more you add the better experience you'll have and the less waiting you'll do. You add. You see them in game. You party up and kickass. Thats the point rather than coming on here all the time.)
- [u][b] If you're even reading this post then i have to assume your a pretty standup kind of guy/gal so please rep the clan. [/b][/u]Why? It takes two secs to click on the button below the group name and motto, between 'Interact' and 'About' and it gets you achievements if you play with others in the clan and it helps us get more members for you to play the game with. (Also it's kind of the least you can do after we've set all this up for you.)
- Last but not least... [b][u]No recruiting in the clan[/u][/b]. It's just kind of bad taste in my opinion. You want to start your own clan up? Awesome, go to it buddy. Somewhere else! I did it the hard way in the bigger channels so you can to.
- Go Kick some ass. [b][u]Foul language is allowed and in many circumstances encouraged[/u][/b]. If someone pisses you off, don't bad mouth em', just don't play with em' there's plenty of others here.
Thanks very much.
Gamertag ink3dcr4zy lvl 17 :)
Gt: MARKY B01 , 25 warlock
Xbox1 gt:abandonedchif0
Shark knucklez lvl 21 Titan
bjg48723 warlok lvl 26
GT: sirnite087 lvl 25 Titan on most nights
Sightedwolf92 lvl 25 hunter
Gt vipersniper26 lvl 25 hunter on most day up for anything
Edited by o0unreliable: 9/20/2014 2:14:09 PMGt: o0unreliable Currently level 21 hunter
GT: Sidekick Dan Hunter currently Lv 20. Have Mic and looking for Strikes, raids, some crucible. In UK so will be on Evenings weekdays & Day/Evening weekends GMT
Lvl22 Titan gt- em1ton I'm on most evenings! Add me
LVL 24 titan - GT: mcgazza08 if anyone can help me pick up 4 more strange coins so i can pick up some exotic gear that would be amazing too! i need to do lvl 26+ weekly strikes
Edited by Spere TH: 9/20/2014 12:38:23 PMGT: Spere TH lvl 25 hunter maxed bladedancer n half gunslinger
YourOwnDad02 Lvl 25 (almost 26) warlock Add me!! Love to play weekly and raid!
Um...I was going to say something but instead I'm going to ask: why does it say "My body is ready" before I enter any text?
GT BL00dy Omega (at first it's a double zero and then th letter O) Almost lvl 13 hunter. I hope there are players that have no problem with playing with low lvls..everyone started here.. Add me!
Gt: MoNk3y WAFFLEZ [b]Hunter level 22[/b] add me
SternXXBoneMbXx level 24 warlock. Ready for weekly heroic strike.
Killnode12b add me 20+ hunter
Gt is X1ADAM1X22 Ivl 23 warlock free to play most days
Gamer Tag MrBraggx Lvl 21 Titan :)
my gamer tag is GHOSTWALKER344
Xbox one tag: lil bunnie fufu Level 25 hunter feel free to send me a party invite!
GT:Xcitement Just looking for some people to play with. I will play whatever whenever
Add me! Berry Hallsackk on Xbox one! Don't judge the name too much lol. Down for anything just need some people to play with!