Faction of 3
"Answering the Call"
originally posted in:Faction of 3
To level we must obtain the elusive ascendant shards. Here are the top ways we have determined to get them. The faster we all level, the faster we can manage the Vault on Hard and the Nightfall.
- The first public event of each day completed has a random chance at ascendant materials as the event is completed. Afterward you are guaranteed to receive ascendant materials in the post office. **Remember this is only the first event each day.
-The Daily Story Mission gives ascendant material after completion, the first time each day.
***Also (thanks to xTheRadkex for the tip) if you take an alt through these you can gain additional materials and then move them to your main by using the vault!
- If you run strikes and receive mass Blue Engrams... This is a good thing! Each time you decrypt an engram, it raises your cryptarch rep. Each time you level your cryptarch, he gives you goodies at the post office; including a chance of legendary engrams (which when torn apart give you shards).
-I also want everyone to clear the gate at the Vault on Hard once a week. It isn't too bad, takes a few minutes and gives you a chest with ascendant materials.
If you're not already, make sure to do one event and the Daily Story Mission at least once each day :) If we gather at night and you haven't done both yet, let me know and we can send a group through.