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Soul Appropriation Corp

"It was unnecessary but awesome"

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    [b]"What is luck" - dragonborn985 [/b] "NCScreamingeagle falls into a frozen lake and drowns" "I just unplugged the disc" niskyah "I Know your in a sandwich" niskyah DRUNK SQUIRREL "I'm going to drink your blood like a smoothie dragonborn" -NCScreaminge Oh I forgot that I wasn't waring pants - Dragonborn I finally killed smalldonkeys...that sounded wrong- Nobel 6 skull I do believe thoroughly in giving every thing you've got towards what ever you're doing at the time - Monty Oum "We're walking into a rising wind."- Commander Jacob Hardy, pilot, Aries One When the long dark closes around us we will be the last light- Wei Ning Sadness... and... Dispare "I also have a coffee plunger" -chaos purge 7 Venus Baby! we salute the Derpy Humans "I know I know thats why I'm hiding in the bathroom" - chaos purge 7 NIFTY_BISCUIT It was unnecessary but awesome

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originally posted in:Soul Appropriation Corp
Edited by Kosh the Heresiarch: 5/20/2015 3:39:35 AM

The Fallen (conjuncture)

The Fallen (conjuncture) What happened? Why do they fight? _______ What happened to the Fallen is a compelling question but one that with out the direct knowledge of the Fallen them selves one that I feel we may never have a diffusive answer to, they fight ruthlessly looting the body’s of those they kill but they show no sign of richness intact quit the opposite the seem to loot because they must, they guard there servitors with a huge amount of force, they are there life there gods there hope, floating spheres that give them every thing, the connection to the trailer can not be avoided and it is possible that they are fashioned in it’s image. if they fell it was likely to either the Cabal Empire or the Darkness. There weapons seem brutal and efficient designed to effective yet not nearly as advanced as the Cabal arsenal the most powerful of there weapons firing explosive shrapnel something that is effective yet simple seemingly tuned by long times when ammo would be scarce. They are lead by the strongest the Kell’s in times of crisis the strongest often rise to power and the fallen have likely been in crisis for a vary long time. The fact that there has been no coordinated act’s by the separate houses following the battle of the twilight gap suggests that they are not particularly found of one and other, but they seem to travel to systems to gather or they all ended up here and a who coincidence the chance of which would be to small the even consider. however if they stayed closes for another reason then mutual protection while traversing the huge gulfs of space then why not come to the aid of the house of wolves? instead they let them fall why? It seems that the more Ether the Fallen get the larger they become. It is then possible that when they where on there home world that all fallen would have been the same size as the Kell’s are now, with there Ether in the air, Water or food. but with supplies limited by how much the prime servitor can produce, the Kell’s and archons and given enough to return them to and keep them at the normal size while those lower down in the hierarchy receive less and those grow smaller. The reasons for the end of the Fallen’s golden age is likely ancient history and is not relevant to the current war, excluding peace with the Fallen or the Traveler waking there origins will most likely remain unknown and unknowable. UPDATE the fallen cures the city for keeping the " Great machine that may have saved us" behind walls the fall to a "whirlwind" when the Great machine left them and they fell.

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