Light Raiders Of Destiny
"Explore and Defeat the Enemies of the Light"
originally posted in:Light Raiders Of Destiny
[b]A Dubious Task[/b]
Weapon:[b] Invective – Exotic Shotgun[/b] (special weapon)
Bounty Steps:
1. Complete 5 strikes of any difficulty level without dying. (current)
2. Fight in the Crucible and achieve 25 more kills than deaths.
3. Complete the Weekly Heroic Strike.
4. Trade 50 special weapon ammo packs to the Gunsmith for the Invective component.
This one had the least amount of PvP involved in making it compared to the other 2 choices I was given. I got the bounty when I hit level 4 Vangard - not sure if it was a reward or related, but that was the only thing that I had done at that time. I will need some help on getting the 25 more kills than deaths portion done ( I suck at PvP and thought maybe someone would let me kill them - LOL) so if anyone want to help once that section is unlocked I would appreciate it. It has me working on the first task now - the 5 strikes part.