originally posted in:Final Resist4nce
Some good news in the weekly update. Exotics that are upgraded will reset perks but not attack values! A level 300 (max value) exotic will be upgraded to level 302 base attack value. You will have to go all the way through the upgrade tree but damage upgrades will be to go above 302, so these are further damage upgrades not what we have already done. The weapon perks will need to be leveled again along with new damage upgrades.
Also, in the weekly update, Deej said that it will take less time and materials to max out the newly upgraded exotic than it to max it out originally. So, basically I think it's a pretty cool deal. Furthermore, Deej said 300 max damage weapons will be sufficient for the new raid on normal. So, it might be prudent to wait and see what we get out of the raid and new content before we spend exotic shards on upgrading old stuff. Some items like gjallahorn are a must upgrade.
Can't wait to see what else they do.
Gjallahorn, Icebreaker and Thorn are my only exotics I'll be using I think.