just flicked back through chat for the day and you've mentioned this at least 8 times, are you personally trying to make me feel even worse? lol jk
Congrats! Seen a few drop lately.
congratz mate
Congrats Trad. You will definitely enjoy it.
Congrats mate, got my gally yesterday! I Love it:-)
I think that was my one dropped for you by mistake. Can you send it over my good man. Cheers. Nice one btw👍🏻
Nice one Trads, so there is a rngesus
Congrats!! That's how I got my gally too, while competing in Iron Banner. Rusted Lands was my lucky hunting ground.
Never seen one drop for anyone, but they seem to be droping frequently for people in this group. Maybe one-day I will have a Gally I can call my own.
congrats tradospolium.got mine on sunday of the deathsinger.i also let out a loud scream.
congrats trad, and there you were moaning about it the other day lol you prays are answered.
Worth to say again. Congrats, mate.