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Welcome Peter, you have joined one of the best most friendly clans you are every likely to join. Feel free to add me. Psn same as above.
Welcome mate, add me and I'll see you in a fire team soon!
Hi mate welcome add me im on as much as i can normaly just running bountys so if im on and you need a hand let me know.
Welcome mate... Top guys here who are always willing to help - the experience of playing with like minded individuals cannot beaten! Add me and look forward to fighting by your side!
Welcome. Add me fella and sign up for the raids/PoE runs. Best way to get to know folks. Great clan here!
Welcome Peter, glad to have you with us. Feel free to sign up for any of the events threads here on the forums or ask for help via the clan wall. I must say this clan has outdone all of my expectations of friendliness and helpfulness. Great group of folks to play alongside.
Welcome to the greatest destiny community in existence. Feel free to add me PSN as above.
Hi welcome , you have chosen a excellent clan , feel free to add me psn as above Astro
Hi, feel free to add me. shadowgoth
Many thanks to you all for the warm welcome, and offering the add's I'm a little nervous at the mo but I will get there, I have ordered a half decent headset should arrive tomorrow, so I hope to talk with some of you soon Peter
welcome to the clan, feel free to add me....... psn as above
Welcome, Feel free to add me. Twisterphil
Welcome fella.pretty much what Eric has said psn as above
Welcome and congratulations to a great choice of clans. Add as above. Don't miss the Priceyraid tonight. A great way to meet the Dads. Help a brother out, is another and of course Twisterphil's party raiding in weekends.
You've joined a great clan all ways some how will help you out and we post regular raids on the forum , feel free to add me psn ricehard44
Hiya fella and welcome, lots of raiding done here, best chance for 34 is the PoE Party People on Wed eve, we'll get you some armour and maybe Etheric light as well. Enjoy the clan