Ryuu7Gilead Warlock and Hunter lv32 Up for weekly, poe or raids
Pever123 lvl 25
Add me Rustic_Caliber level 28 titan looking for some raids
Edited by DeViaNt_NoiSe: 5/25/2015 3:41:09 AMAdd me: DeViaNt_NoiSe
Anywone weekly? Level 28 hunter and 30 warlock. Add me: Tofu-_-sandwich
Add me. Same as name
Add me eat_herright
Mission help and other stuff
I need help
You have mic? What level? And what person
Level. 30 Titan & a Level. 28 Hunter. Gamer tag. Scrated
Hey who wanna do vault of glass I'm level 28
Add me up; MarkoDone level 30 hunter and have the dlc.
Crota hard need two with sword skills add Ghost024070
Level 25 warlock, I wanna do some vault of glass runs. Please add me, eclipticrider
I'll help ya PSN: ZAMBIEKILLER556
Warlock 29 looking for fresh raids and nightfall. Add reaper32651
Agurines Titan lvl 31 with expansion for raid Ps3
Add me on ps3 baecke lvl 25 warlock
Level 28 add me thatduderene
Add me battlekeeper1321 if u do just say when u add me that u read my comment on destiny
Ps3 : Ramambuwari Lvl 24 hunter
Just add me and we can play