originally posted in: Destiny ps3
Looking for some new Guardians (PS3) to roll with . I usually play late at night and my friends list has been less and less active with everyday that goes buy . I don't mind any of you new Xmas noobs but know this ... I'm not gonna be that guy to carry you through every single raid/nightfall. I don't mind helping out one bit but it's gotta be a group effort. I'm also trying to recruit some of your into my Clan because people are falling off left and right and I wanna pump some new blood into it . My PSN name is EvlFelix and I have 2 lvl 32 Titans and a lvl 30 Warlock that I'm working on right now to get to lvl 31. I can run both Raids without cheese and I'm a team player , plus I have a mic . Shoot me friend requests or leave your PSN name down below and I'll add you as soon as I can . I hope to make some new friends soon :)
Level 24 hunter psn jjay217 I usually play late because of work
Lvl 30 warlock. Moderate survival skills. Hmu
Melvindm Lvl 3 hunter, got the game yesterday
Level 9 hunter. Usually on after 10-11
Level 28 Titan looking to do VoG on PS3 add GotchoPunkAzz
32 Hunter same as name
29 Hunter thelazer365
27 hunter same as name
Lvl 32 lock x2 and 32 hunter done hard crota multi times max ghorn
Add me. 26 hunter
Add me 32 hunter: Smoodez