originally posted in:Odins Towelboys
I'm looking for people to do the vault of glass raid with. Ideally there would be two of each class. You need to be at least Lvl 26. Leave your rank, class, and PSN below.
[spoiler]at least 10 of each synthesis (ex. Secondary ammo refill)
Helps to have a gun of each type of damage (ex. Arc (blue) fire (red))
Helps to have at least all legendary armor
Look up some parts and guides to the raid so you're not completely lost at all times, but don't look at all of it because then it would be no fun![/spoiler]
I'm a Lvl 27 hunter, maxed both sub classes, PSN: foogy_x
I'll be on an hour before it resets tonight. I have done it TWICE, so I know what to do. Warlock, both max subclasses, use sunsi for resurrection and voidwa for everything else. U don't actually need many synthesises, as u get plenty of ammo in-game If u wanna do it with me, add me: PSN: OZ_JAMD_pLaTiNuM
Lvl 29 warlock avaliable mostly anytime to do the raid Psn name is demonwayne64
lvl 26 bladedancer hunter, psn Einherjhar9, haven't done vault of glass yet, but willing to learn, available Saturday-Wednesday...My body is ready...
I'm a Warlock Lv28, have maxed both Voidwalker and Sunsinger subclasses, have all legendary gear and some exotic, and i'm available to raid between 3pm and 10pm Monday through Saturday. My PSN name is [i]Kazmes[/i]
Are you still searching? I have warlock 28
Looking for 3 players to do raids regularly every week, so im not looking for one offs I want people to play with every week If you want this too and tired of trying to find new people every week then add JoeyJizzle_-_ im open to any player but preferably one who has experience with the VoG
PS4, We do raids every day where looking for new members so your welcome to join our crew if your over 18 as we are. Where also high level players. If interested you can sing up here https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/774474 or search for (2ARD RAIDERS) so help making our clan to be better.
PS4, We do raids every day where looking for new members so your welcome to join our crew if your over 18 as we are. Where also high level players. If interested you can sing up here https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/774474 or search for (2ARD RAIDERS) so help making our clan to be better.
Add me tyre_h I meet all requirements
I'm a level 29 Titan, PSN X-andy399
I have 2 to choose from. Level 27 Titan Striker Level 27 Warlock Sunsinger/Voidwalker PSN is ImpaledSkull0909
lvl 28 hunter psn lordofwar25
Lvl 28 lock Psn YusiBhai I have experience in VoG
Lvl25 titan lots of experice wanting to learn VoG SIRCOOKZALOT
Hit me up Da_CCC
28 Titan, Treeleaves_2532
titan defender 27 rcguajardo
PS4: Anyone doing the RAID or Nightfall Today anytime after 3PM Eastern Time please add me. LVL 27 Warlock with a mic. PSN ID: Jamrockcrowned85 Let's Do This!!!