XSTRONGERx is a newly founded ps4 Clan looking for members. Founder.,3x 32 Warlock, with every exotic weapons except red death and Monte Carlo. I have plenty of players including me ho knows how to run the sword. Looking for people to run Crota with 3 times weakly on both normal and hard. I also run VOG on hard 3 times weakly and do nightfalls/heroic's. ADD berkayyeser _ All I ask is that you have good moral and no need of ammo synthesis, ;0) I am not ok with having issues taking Crota down. Clan link https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/820424
Also looking for people to run with. Lefty sinister on Xbox one
[quote]Hi all. I have a 28 Titan maxed in Striker and about 3/4 of the way through the Defender tree. I'm looking for a clan and/or people to form striketeams with for raids and the heroic weekly strikes. Unfortunately, none of my real life friends play on Xbox one so it's been just me and my brother (27 hunter) thus far. Anyways, I'm just looking to find people to start doing some endgame with. Feel free to send me a message, I'm always looking to run stuff.[/quote] do u lot fancy vault of glass ? If u do add me on PSN name is same as on here
I'm in the same boat, GuST and Matt (below).... Hit me up on XBL... KaarsAerinstar. See you in game!
Always looking for more people to play with got lv 30 and lv 31, msg me gt matt8401
you should look into my clan https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Xbox/773470 Dragon Zombies