My best advice for now would be to grind strikes or crucible for enough reputation and marks to buy legendary gear from the tower vendors. Their gear will get you to 27 even without any upgrades and to max of 31. The daily mission, weekly heroic, and nightfall have been bumped to level 30 so you'll have to be 27 to access the difficulty with the best rewards. I wouldn't recommend raiding until 27/28 either unless you know what you're doing. The DLC is required if you want to try and hit the level cap before the next DLC. Don't buy it alone, it's not worth $20. The expansion pass is a better deal. I'm hoping the House of Wolves makes up for the disappointment of the Dark Below. Add me if you'd like, gt Vysi. I'm willing to help out with anything if I have time and I'm not already helping someone else. I'm usually on evenings to late night EST, earlier on my days off.
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