Need 4 more for fresh vog hard! Xbox 360! Msg me for inv! 30+
Looking for one more for Atheon checkpoint. Send invite to Xbox one.
Edited by IllEtherLight: 2/24/2015 12:15:02 AMLooking for invite. VOG , Lvl 28 Hunter., Gt oH00Do, xbox one
Need two people atheon cp normal Gt onelitre666
Edited by IllEtherLight: 2/23/2015 11:39:18 PM
Started a new topic: looking for invite to raid. LVL 28 Hunter. GT oH00Do, no mic
Looking for 2 people for vog normal message UNK0WN X SHAD0W
Looking for one more for Atheon checkpoint. Send invite to Xbox one.
Need two people atheon cp normal Gt onelitre666
Looking for someone to invite me. I'm level 27 Titan gt is same as name
30 Hunter looking for Aetheon cp, 2nd character & can use relic, Message gt RyanMac94
I need 2 vmore PEOPLE
Would like to join vog raid hard from beginning, have plenty exp, 32 lock, inv gt above
Need 3 more Vog normal fresh experience please add nigelelton236
I have hard gorgon cp, msg me. Gamertag same as above
Hey guys, i am a level 27. I can do VoG on hardmode. I am a good player so if someone wants a fesh start add me: EazySkef
Can I join
Ill Help
Hey idk if it's too late now or not but I need some help to and I'll gladly join and help you with the raid
Can I join??[quote][/quote]
[quote]Hey guys i need 5 ppl to do the vault of glass raid im a lvl 27 titan i want to beat the raid but i cant find anyone who wants to do it. So pls can i get some help[/quote] I wanna play
Invite me
I'll also help
Ill help