My first time doing a VOG raid I was a level 27 with Zero legendary/exotic weapons and it was challenging to say the least. Get to level 30 before you try Crota if you want to be any help in the raid.
Hey schtar. If you can hit lvl 27-30 by the weekend, I'd gladly take you raiding. I'll be playing a lot of banner til I hit rank five but, I will be doing raids this weekend as well. For future reference, you may get more and better responses in the recruitment section.
Hi schtar, as already mentioned this should usually go in recruitment, for future reference. Also, feel free to add me on Xboxone, gt is Dr Evil24, and we can set up a raid.
Try to join a team doing fresh VOG. You can look at post on recruitment.
Wait till your a higher level as you won't be able to a raid at level 25 really
Hi schtar, You may have better luck posting this in the [b]Recruitment [/b]section. Good luck!
Have you looked in the #Recruitment forum section to find others to help you with this task?