[b]https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/100369010/0/0/1 <--Please see this post from Bungie about LFG and #Community.[/b] I moved this to [b]#Recruitment[/b] for you. You can create your topic there, and use the additional subcategories/tags. #Gaming is for general video gaming discussion, but not LFG. Thanks.
Please edit your post and change #Gaming to [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Topics/0/Default/None/Recruitment]#Recruitment[/url]. You have posted in the wrong sub-forum/tag. You will get a better response in #Recruitment. As Destiny has many other forums. #Gaming is not for Recruitment. How to edit: [b]PC[/b] 1. Click edit 2. Change forum category to #Recruitment 3. Click post 4. Refresh It should be moved [b]Mobile[/b] 1. Tap post 2. Tap three dots in corner 3. Tap edit 4. Change tags to #Recruitment; erase the #Gaming tag 5. Click post It should be moved. Good luck and Thank you
*Phone Rings* Hello? Hello? Hey it's great that your using bungie.net to uh...find a fireteam and all...but you might not get as many replies here as you think [Banging sounds] You seem to have posted in the wrong section [banging sounds] it's a little mistake, easy to solve. [Banging sounds] but if you want to get a fireteam together, maybe you should check in #Recruitment [banging sounds] there's a lot of people there, it's only a matter of time [banging sounds] before you get a fireteam together [Toreador March] it should be...fine [wheezing sound] Good...lu-[Heavily Distorted Screech] *Phone disconnects* (My apologies if the above confused you a bit, I was attempting to reference the popular indie horror game FNaF, What I'm trying to say is that your post is in the wrong forum section, and it would be more visible in the #Recruitment section, which is where it belongs. There are plenty of users there who are willing to assist you with in game tasks. In this section, it probably won't get as many replies as it will if you posted a request in #Recruitment)