Need two at Atheon cp hard. Message Wow032595 for invite
Looking for fresh run on vog hard.. lvl 31 hntr gt as above
Looking for 1 more on xbox one message for invite gt same as above
Hosting VOG hard from Templar CP. Want to do this quickly so you must be level 30+ with oracle damaging weapons and you have to understand the fundamentals of the raid. Message the gamer tag same as above for invite.
Need 2 for gatekeeper
Need 1 conflux
looking for raid party
Need Templar cp GT same
Hosting VOG hard fresh run. Want to do this quickly so you must be level 30+ with oracle damaging weapons and you have to understand the fundamentals of the raid. Message the gamer tag same as above for invite.
Looking for a group to do atheon with. looking for [b]atheon checkpoint[/b] only. got another one with me both very experienced with relic message [u]DanDingles[/u] for inv
Need one more for hard Vog message BozzAzzBiiz for invite on 360
Invite me please
Need 5 for fresh hard vog please join polisini
32 looking to do atheon cp on hard gt same as above
We need 2 guys for atheon
32 Defender Titan looking for Gatekeeper or Atheon cp on hard. Gt is same as on here. Have maxed Gyhallerhorn, Icebreaker and other goodies.
32 looking to do atheon cp on hard gt same as above
Doing hard Vog gatekeeper checkpoint lvl 30 and up message at TactualEmporer
Inv me same name