is that offer still on the table
Inv for Vault of Glass or Crota. Lvl 40 Hunter 260 Light. GT: Bnd7
Gm-fordda4th xbox one level 34 hunter looking for people to do vog.
Invite me to do VOG or Crota GT: ur stats suck
Invite me to do VOG or Crota GT: ur stats suck
Me and a mate wanna do this raid and crota tonight at like 10gmt GT the same so message for invite
Need 3 for a fresh Hard VoG
Lvl 28 warlock 148 light VOG normal
Looking for fresh start hard mode really experienced finish 20m add snipar008 need 4 more
302 hunter, looking for a fresh start, know what I'm doing.
Atheon VOG I have 3 need 3 more send invite gamer tag AJ10SKillz
I have 2 with me need 3 more gamer tag AJ10Skillz please send a invite
Can I join?
Looking for vault of glass ps4 302 hunter.
Edited by NoveltyGamer: 10/9/2015 11:08:41 PM
Why You guys still Play vog?
Need 4 norm msg me for inv same gt as above
We are doing VOG on hard mode. We are doing fresh. No mic is ok. Send me a message on Xbox live for an invite. We do need people to know how to use the relics.
Add activeking_X Crota normal bridge cp
Need 3 for hard VOG Xbox1
Hard VoG need 4 for xb1 message me gt^^^
Need three Hard vog Letsgetratchett Titan 303
Edited by DemonzVIII: 10/9/2015 5:04:23 PMI'll do it, we just need a few more. I'm absolutely interested though L3royJ3nkins777
At boss on easy need 5 more
Want 3 more for vault of glass add HyperMonkey218
Need to do Crota