What time are you doing vault of glass
I'll help you
If I was on Xbox one I would so help! I love VOG.
Dang it. If I didn't work today if totally help out.
I have a fireteam doing it this Saturday at 2:30 central time. Meet us at the tower at the Chryptarch.
other than doing it just to do it, why are yoy wanting to go in there? From what I understand, the old raids no longer drop anything worth getting. I could be wrong as I'm going off of what I've heard, but still, what's your goal? Is it gonna be worth the trouble?
please message me on xbox one any time of the day i need a group to get this annoying mission done for the weapon "no time to explain" i will help you out on any raid of your choice in return or anything else u need help with. can not promise flawless win in trials as i have never been. please help a brother out in his time of need! message ElasticPanda on xbox one!
I can help out if you're on the One.
I would help