Need 4 for fresh hard raid message ceyn for invite
Oryx CP Hard mode Need 4 (including 2 Titans) Must be 315+ MUST BE EXPERIENCED!!!!! Msg with light and class GT same
Hosting HARD mode FRESH Start Need 2 Titans / 2 Hunters / 2 Warlocks & 1 Relic Runner Please be at least 315 Light and experienced with Hard & Challenge Mode If you want Invite, Msg me Your Class and Light level P.S. I manage teams well and always get teams to complete the Raid every week! GT: Kronyk Killa
Need one at sisters. Message ocean Billy x
322 Hunter helping my 2 friends through a Normal Fresh Run. Looking to do challenge. They are a 303 Warlock and a 300 Titan. Need 3 patient guardians willing to help out a couple of new raiders. They can hold their own and are good listeners. Message name above.
Xbox one Fresh run message X KARL need 2 Hard mode!
329 Titan Looking to join at golg challenge or before Experienced with all of raid 330 touch of malice, 329 spindle Send inv to GT above
Need 4 for hard raid fresh Must be 320+ light Add me my psn is tam_dramm
Need 4 at Sister's CP, looking for a quick finish experienced players with mic! 305+ msg 'yDreamseller' for inv Normal! Xbox One.
Looking for two titans hard mode fresh run with challenge
Need 5 people for kings fall raid I have the checkpoint before war priest GT same as above message for invite
320 hunter looking for totems inv gillen94
Need 5 for fresh start hard message B a y T e e with your light level
Xbox one Fresh run message X KARL need 4
kings fall normal raid 290 light and above xbox 360 must have mic and have concept using xbox 360 controller and be familiar. message LastTomcat3 for invite.
326 Titan with 328 spindle and 320 touch looking for fresh or totems HARD!!!
Need one for Golgroth cp. ,sesame me on xbox
need 1 for sisters, must be 315+ light. message sjscott18 for invite, Xbox one
Need 1 for King's Fall hard at Golgoroth (with challenge). Message CooperDoog for invite. Prefer a Titan.
Xbox one, hard,315+ fresh run need warlock + Titian message hairynugg3ts uk
Need 2 at sisters, know fight. 300+ have mic. Gt broadfoal808127. Xbox one
Need 3 310+ must know what to do msg ALEXR3TD for inv fresh
Sister cp need 3 305+
Xbox one kingsfall normal no first timers msg zooky121
317 Hunter looking to join normal raid to do golgoroth challenge add Rafikisykes
Need 3 more normal fresh run