Need 2 for fresh hard raid msg willvebber21
2 looking to join at sisters or Oryx. 320 and 316 hunter. Xbox one gamertag above
Oryx hard message GT above
Kings fall hard mode TOtems CP 326 Warlock looking for 2 more 317+ players. Must have TOUCH and no noobs please. Message me your light level and class for INV
322 light Titan looking for a fresh hard mode kings fall! Best it many times, send highabetic 23 an invite please!
Oryx hard message GT above
321 hunter looking for Fresh or totems
Need 2 at war priest 318 + Xbox message me
Kings fall hard mode FRESH 326 Warlock looking for 2 more 317+ players. Must have TOUCH and no noobs please. Message me your light level and class for INV
Lf3m fresh start
Need 1 for oryx hard
Need 1 for hard orix, msg oOO420OOo
Looking for a fresh kf norm 310 hunter add twistedboost
Need one more at sisters on hard
Xbox one Hard raid Need 1 Gt same as above
Oryx hard message GT above
Need 3 for war priest 318 + please
316 hunter with touch and spindle looking for HARD mode fresh or totems cp GT same as above
Need 1 more for kings fall normal
4!!! for FRESH!!! HARD!!! XBOX!!! ONE!!! (will be attempting CHALLENGE!!!) (need ONE!!! TITAN!!!)
Need a titan, at oryx, xbox1
Need 5 for fresh King's Fall hard 310 min light and experienced players add Dan221st
4!!! for FRESH!!! HARD!!! XBOX!!! ONE!!! (will be attempting CHALLENGE!!!) (need ONE!!! TITAN!!!)
x Six Paths Need 1 KF HARD MODE Warpriest Doing challenge. BE EXPERIENCED
Looking for 2 to run oryx cp on hard mode please be 318 or higher message cano80B with class and light level for inv
Need 3 golgorath norm no kids