Need 4 people for a fresh hard raid know what your doing let's finish this raid nice and fast GT: The iPodTouchMe
Need 2 +310 Titans for Fresh Run. Hard mode
1 more needed for normal kings fall message for invt
•!Golgorth!• Normal Looking for 1. !!!MUST BE EXPERIENCED!!! 300+ only ! Msg me for inv & Msg YOUR *Light* lvl $ GT is same as above $
Need 4 people for a fresh hard raid know what your doing let's finish this raid nice and fast GT: The iPodTouchMe
Lfg at totems hard 319 hunter. GT same as above. Xbox.
Lfg at totems hard 319 hunter. GT same as above. Xbox.
Need 1 for fresh run on hard 310+
Need 3 for hard fresh message clownen4fun
Need a Titan and a hunter for fresh hard raid. Send light for inv
310 titan with spindle and touch up for any cp
Need 3 for oryx 315+ msg for invite.
313 Titan for golg hard cp w ToM and Spindle
Need 3 for hard fresh message clownen4fun
Need 1 for Golgi 318+ no scrubs hard xb1
Doing hard fresh need 4 I'm 323 my friend is 321 be 315+ and know what your doing add me
Lfg at totems hard 319 hunter. GT same as above.
Need 4 people for a hard raid know what your doing let's finish this raid nice and fast GT: The iPodTouchMe
need 1 titian for hard fresh gt crashc17
324 titan at totems need 4. Gt above plz be 315+ and know raid.
Need one more at totems send message to gt
Looking for 3 for oryx checkpoint 319+ Must have experience Msg for invite
Need 4 for kings fall normal Gt is WAR BOY 7 Message me for a invite
I need 3 for a kings fall hard golgoroth And someone to take gaze Please know what you are doing and message DJ Hamster 14 for invite Btw we are not doing challenge
Lfg at totems hard 319 hunter. GT same as above.
Need one more at totems send message to gt