I felt a little cheated because I received Heart of praxic Fire last week from an engram. But I actually had better roll on stats than xur's offering this week. I want to try running sun singer with some abilities other than fire born. I don't remember what it is called but there is one that stacks the ability recharge with hopf and buffs every one else when radiance is active.
The excitement from every warlock was so great I Bought the Heart of Praxis fire and I don't even have a warlock.
Edited by Deacon_Blue: 2/28/2015 12:06:29 AMI JUST got back into Destiny, and I JUST got enough coins to actually buy a decent weapon from Xur (was ONE shy for Ice Breaker), and I'm less than psyched about my choices the last 2 weeks. Only my Hunter is high enough to bother with, so the Alpha Lupi armor and the Radiant Dance Machines were both slightly tempting, as is the ATS/8 Arachnid helmet he has this week, but with as slow as my coin gathering has been, I'm not sure I want to go that way. I want awesome guns! I definitely need to get in on that Weekly Strike to get a few more coins coming in. *edit* And, of course, I'm 2 Motes short, so I can't purchase an engram from Xur.
My son is with his mom tonight and we won't drop into Crota until after 10est so let me know...I have yet to knock out the Weekly on a few of my toons. BTW, you did great last night. That was one of the smoothest runs we've put together. How were your drops?