Surgeon, look me up, too. I just made the switch. Another thing to do is to find a good PS4 clan and friend a lot of their members. Don't need to become part of their clan. In fact, take a look at Battleborn. Look at their Group Wall and send requests to everyone that posts there. Do the same with other PS4 clans, like Wolfpack. Make sure you include that you're DoD in the friend request. I use an el-cheapo bluetooth keyboard solely for that purpose. Makes things go very quick, as you can navigate through the friends menu with the backspace and enter buttons, and type quicker. My PS4 is less than 1 week old, and I've already got more friends than time at night.
Edited by bennySlides: 4/3/2015 2:56:14 PMAll of your ps3 friends will show up on the ps4 and for those games that allow cross platform play it comes in handy. Like Helldivers. Checkout the dod family group, DadsOfDestiny Ascendants, and I created one as well DadsOfDestiny A Team, but I think you already found it. I'll update with links once I find them. SaVy Gaming/SaVyGaming is another popular and dad friendly group. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/911687]DadsOfDestiny A Team[/url] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/871433]DodFamily Sidekicks[/url] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/659697]DadsOfDestiny Ascendants[/url] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/114465]SaVy Gaming[/url] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/658152]SaVyGaming[/url]
We recently started a new DoD clan (non affiliated) Dads of Destiny A Team. We are all ex-PS3 DoD Rocketsauce guys who recently made the jump. Check it out.
All this talk got me to say the hell with it and so I ordered one today...should have it by next week! Keeping my PS3 tho...not ready to cut the cord yet!
I picked up a PS4 last week, but I've only run bounties and solo stuff on it because all of my raid buddies are here.
Edited by theSTOOPIDnoob: 4/2/2015 1:22:26 PMUnfortunately they are separate. It's the only thing keeping me from converting myself. Get with JBriggs, Deadpool, or Lucent they have all made the switch and still play on both, they may be able to hook you up with a few folks to play with. Does that take you out of the raid on Friday night or are you going to play on both?