Is this AM or PM?
Here is how this is going to go tomorrow. FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!!! So I should be on around 10 PM CDT. If you are down with the clown and want to to run the raid then just join me. I will launch once I have a full team.
I'm down add me ChrisClarks
I have never run VoG before, does that matter? If not, I am in if there is room. cdn_bacon13 (PSN).
I would love to try raiding, I'm looking to do PoE that is not lvl 28 as well.
Running late. Still at work.
I'm hoping to be on around that time. Hopefully i can participate as well.
I can say "possibly", but I need Nightfalls and PoE (I missed out on the Chest last week and I'd love to get the helm for any/all of my characters if possible)...