Some games up on the100 if anyone wants to sign up https://www.the100.io/groups/1472
Edited by stevensanuk: 8/4/2015 5:11:50 PMOk just noticed that I have missed the fact that House of Judgement armor perks change weekly. Got my full set and wasn't paying attention. This week's boots improve your character against Fallen. And the pulse rifle has chance to stun Captains. Hopefully this info will help others to better prepare for the fight Edit--This explains the armor perks well. https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3fqzto/variks_armor_only_the_enemy_bonus_is_random_ive/
I need it and I'll also help anyone after I get it. I've been to 35 final round 2 times but the group I was playing would leave or we couldn't get organized.
Add me to the list needing assistance
Now Iron Banner is done all I want to focus on till the taken King is helping guardians through there triumphs. After the same kind of marathon attempts everyone has done I finally beat Skolas, since then beat him twice more. I'm solid at it now and with a good team mate reckon we can help some people through. I will have time Wed night and Thursday evening this week, possibly Saturday night and Sunday evening too. I'm not one to solo it by any means but I'm used to the design and can swap character if needed to make sure run is smooth as possible.
Last Triumph left. So far its been more of a Failure. I ran it this weekend for 5 hours then had to bail at Skolas 1st set of mines. Very disheartening, but educational at least. Got held up by wipes at Fallen important target stage til we figured out to blind him at spawn with a bubble and shotgun him down. Cabal room with one hit kill psions was also a pain. Been reading up on strategies for Skolas mines. Hopefully next attempt will be shorter.
Hello, I'm J and I haven't beaten skolas. This is the last triumph I need to finish. Yes, it's true I've been too scared to even try. I've heard guys trying for 11 hours and still not killing him.
I have not either. Never been to him, so noob on this.
I have not done the POE 35
I definitely need 35!
I still need 35, haven't been able to get all the way through it.
I still need to kill Skolas as we'll.
I still need 35. Never even stepped in the ring with Skolas. Help would be greatly appreciated.
You know I'm in!
I still need the Level 35. Only got to Round Three so far. After many wipes, the call for sleep was too intense.
Still need this. Came close once but ran out of time on the skolas fight and had to bail.
I have kicked his butt I know what needs done I have no problem helping out
I will be looking for a group as well. I have been to level 4, but never beat him. Hit me up if you see me online. lazarus900
I need it. I just can't find a team willing to do it. Most of the hardcore players I know hate the mission and refuse to run it!