Welcome everyone! I'm lvl 26 Warlock in the DoD Backwater clan. Feel free to add me. My PSN ID is stang_pilot.
Hey all. High teens warlock and dad to a 5 month old son. I've kind of had a fear of even attempting multiplayer gaming due to constant interruptions, so it's great to see a group founded on the concept! PSN tag is CorgiDaddy (oh yeah, I also have two corgis). I'm on whenever I can be, typically later evenings with a weekend focus, US Central. Feel free to shoot friend requests my way.
Hello all, lvl 20 Warlock. Play mostly after 10 pm US Central and weekends. Not going to lie, my 12 year old kicks my butt but I like playing the vijeo games. Request me if you dont mind having me tag along for the ride. I am good fodder. LOL
Thanks for starting up a new clan for the overflow! Most of my console gaming experience is getting face stabbed by my 11 yo son and wandering the Cosmodrome picking up shiny plants. More casual than hardcore so I'm taking my time through the game. Looking forward to team activities with others, strikes, maybe raiding... eventually Level 25 warlock, PSN is PaytnAve and I'm on most nights from 7 - 11 EST or until my wife shoots me the stink eye
Hello everyone. I am a 35 year old dad with 4 kids in the house. Gaming is my escape from Earthly responsibilities after 8pm central time. I have a lv 22 Warlock. My PSN is ihop100. Looking forward to seeing you guys in the Cosmodrome.
Another new DoD (I think. There is a certain lack of visual representation, I beleive).
Thanks for having me aboard.
Thanks for doing this awesome clan and group!!! I am a father of 4. Three girls (7,6,4) and one son (2). I will be 30 soon and have been married for 8 years. I have a lvl 5 hunter. I am one of those play when I can dad's with more time the last three days of the week. My PSN name is KillerWEAKsauce; please send me an invite and I will play. Thanks again!