I've heard good things about the Shadow Price, but haven't actually used one. I got the Dr Nope from a random drop a long time ago, and unfortunately it had other perks besides the one that the Vanguard sells (so no stability perk or Third Eye perk). The version I have has so much recoils that it is barely usable. I can't speak for the version that does have the stability perk, but from what I've heard others say, I'd probably go with the Shadow Price. I leveled up New Monarchy to get the Vanquisher VIII (which I love, but it has such a small clip...) That being said, I've actually become more of a Hand Cannon person myself (at least in PVE), so as soon as I get my Vanguard to 3, I'm going for The Devil You Know and I'm planning on using that until I can either get my Crucible up to 3 to get the Lord High Fixer, or if I'm lucky enough before that, get a good Legendary/Exotic Hand Cannon on a random drop (The Last Word or Hawkmoon - *fingers crossed*)
I love my shadow price very steady and good rate of fire has better impact than the Dr but the Dr has faster rate of fire to make up for it I just picked up Dr. Nope so don't have stability fixed yet but
Vanquisher from New Monarchy. It's not as small a clip as people think it is when they put into consideration that Shadow Price only has 3 more bullets....why that's such a huge difference is beyond me. But yea, I'm loving the Vanquisher more.
Get the devil you know its amazing
Haven't used either but shadow price eats my lunch in pvp