Edited by theSTOOPIDnoob: 11/4/2014 6:09:35 PMCan't give you any direct experience on my part but I am leveling one of my alt toons up, should have him at 20 tonight and have the gear to get him to 24-25 right away, so I've been looking in to which sub would be best to start with for VoG. Seems most lean towards the Defender as a melee super just doesn't cut it in there. Link is below... http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2k4f33/striker_or_defender_in_vog_opinions_titans_please/ Reading further it seems some play both...Striker in the beginning to deal with ads and defender at Atheon... I've done this with my Hunter, leveled up both subs, so it's easy to switch back and forth.