I've finished my first raid today and I'll you that there is a difference between knowing how to use the relic and how kill the d*** praetorian with it in time to cleanse your oracle shooters.
I'd definitely be interested if time allows, this go round or next. Great idea!
I'm always down to lab the Raid. http://playp.sn/f/86Z886IkwyeFZJ4E
I haven't been in yet and would love to learn it. There are only so many patrols you can do before you go want to run and jump, screaming into the abyss. Since I am retired my time is very flexible.
This is great idea best way to learn anything is hands on experience that's how I learned the relic and how other parts work also if you know one side of the Map but don't know the other side go outside your comfort zone and learn the opposite side cause when your in middle of battle and side goes done you may be called to go over n cover that side for a bit a good raid group is all about diversity if you can hold n recover from sudden deaths of teammates it makes victory that much sweeter
It sounds like a good idea to me. I wouldn't mind getting in on something like that myself.
Dig it. I don't know if my timing works out or not to run with your group, but I usually have only an hour or so each night to play, if I can get on at all. I also don't know if I'm prepared for the vault yet...i feel like i need to power up my gear a bit first...