yep, yep, yep......excited is the word......been playing AW but want the Banner to be back.....
I am super pumped about Iron Banner 2.00! Played mostly crucible when I started with destiny. then started farming materials / bounties with a lot of the DoD Clan and strayed from my PvP ways. I also came from the land of COD, however, I will not return to that dark place. I was thinking it would be awesome to get a fireteam full of DOD to enter the IB together.
Looking forward to this next iron banner as well! Count me in!
I am. I stink at pvp but in iron banner all the stuff I worked for in pve actually matters and means I'm only mediocre at pvp.
I am actually excited. All these PVP parts of the exotic bounties somehow got me into it. It also gives me another shot at raid equivalent gloves for my warlock.