I played with dods last night was a blast
I'd love to do this! I'm hoping to grind out some hunter gloves but I don't think I'll have time to hit rank 4. I'd love hand cannon reload gloves
8pm-2am PST most nights. Would be great to finally have one team that holds 2 caps and shares heavy ammo.
I was in a pretty good group with another DoD clan yesterday (Beyond, maybe?) and it was a blast - I'll definitely join up with you when time and tasks permit. It's a great way to get rep too as we can roll a lot of teams!
Other then trying to crank out Night Fall, weekly and hopefully the raid on my Alt Hunter the rest of my week will be focused on getting my titan to Iron Banner rank 3 for the Gauntlets to hit lvl 30! I am on and off throughout the day from 9am till about 6pm pacific.