501st OIC
"You don't know peace till you have suffering."
originally posted in:501st OIC
Recruitment is a high on this page, though it may seem difficult just do a mass message to the recent players you played with. To highlight how.
Go to messages, create new message, pick a random person after your list of offline friends for the Gamer tag (you will notice the list to send starts with Online Alphabetical if you haven't changed any settings, and offline alphabetical, then your recently played with alphabetical.)
After choosing your one go back up and select enter a gamertag and you can go back through this list check all the people you recently played with and send a mass message to all of the players. Invite them to join the 501st OIC and tell them if they wish they can add myself to ask more questions then I can direct them to our Leader from there. Or even help them sign up! You never know who you are going to meet!
So let's get out there and recruit guys!