originally posted in:PS4 Raid Rage
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It's still the best heavy for downing crota, but it's way worse than it was in year 1, I don't understand why it couldn't have been left alone, it wasn't even a rng exotic in year 3 it was a quest exotic that was easy to get so you had no reason not to have it
Dragon's Breath actually does more damage than G-horn. Look it up, but watch more than one vid, cuz one guy BUTCHERED the numbers.
Y U say Dat Man? It's Always good... ALWAYS....
It's great for doing the heavy weapon Bounty. Before I had G-horn, I mainly used a low RoF machine gun for the Bounty. Gjallarhorn is also great for crowd control, and taking out bosses with a lot of health.
Was* Now its only decent
Why is this a question?
What's a Galljahorn?
In general, its good. Wolf packs are bugged and dont always prock and they removed grenades and horse shoes but its a reliable fall back. As for highest dps rocket... Not since h.o.w. dropped. Legendaries like the hezen vengence steel oracle and warpath all out dps with the proper perks. Gives you options if you dont want your exotic to be in your heavy slot.
It does the most damage than any other rocket and the Wolfpack can get an entire second kill in crucible