originally posted in:Offtopic Arena
[quote]Here the rules are simple.
1. You cannot scavenge the corpses of your foes
2. The match will be decided by popular vote
3. To override popular vote or for fun you can challenge your foe in the comments
4. If you are challenged and are a no show, the Challenger wins automatically regardless of popular vote.
5. Anything goes so long as it stays within the arena[/quote]
[quote]For round 2 match 11 we have [i]RingLeader77[/i] vs. [i]LuckyCharms_14[/i]!
Which combatant will prevail?
Lets find out!
Lower the gates![/quote]
[b] [url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kgw6Xdv1GAhaARctIlUxxWkFC3mmsrnG/view?usp=sharing]Official Brackets: Round 2[/url][/b]
[url=https://soundcloud.com/copycat-gaming/offtopic-battle-theme]Offtopic Battle Theme[/url]
[b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Groups/Chat?groupId=3741108]Offtopic Arena Group[/url][/b]
All hail match 211!!!!!!!!!! The holy number!!!
I was going to say I'm predicting a challenge, but I see I was late to the party.
I challenge thee, RingLeader77! The battle style may be of your choosing except that the topics of lore and leprechauns shall be excluded, both of which I have no knowledge... [b][i]EN GUARD!![/i][/b]
Ringleader will win for sure.
Ring, ez
Welp. When there’s a poll like this I’ll almost always root for the underdog
For Illuvatar!
bump for ring
... Bamp... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]