originally posted in:Offtopic Arena
[b]Public Service Announcement: PintsizedSlasher is Speakerofthedeep[/b]
[quote]Here the rules are simple.
1. You cannot scavenge the corpses of your foes
2. The match will be decided by popular vote
3. To override popular vote or for fun you can challenge your foe in the comments
4. If you are challenged and are a no show, the Challenger wins automatically regardless of popular vote.
5. Anything goes so long as it stays within the arena[/quote]
[quote]Round 3 match 2 has [i]ATitanSquirrel[/i] vs. [i]PintsizedSlasher[/i]!
Which combatant will prevail?
Lets find out!
Lower the gates![/quote]
[b] [url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kgw6Xdv1GAhaARctIlUxxWkFC3mmsrnG/view?usp=sharing]Official Brackets: Round 3[/url][/b]
[url=https://soundcloud.com/copycat-gaming/offtopic-battle-theme]Offtopic Battle Theme[/url]
[b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Groups/Chat?groupId=3741108]Offtopic Arena Group[/url][/b]
... Bamp... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]
Might want to add something to the battle, Speaker and I are both still going after 27+ replies...
Rampt for Slash!
May the best squirrell/midget win!
Edited by Speaker: 4/25/2019 4:29:51 PMI challenge the Titan Squirrel... I will take him for the deep.
Edited by The Trinity Ghoul [Lee]: 4/25/2019 2:10:31 PMI must face pint sized slasher, my apologies Titan Squirrel, it's nothing personal I would've voted for you if he lost, I'm sorry my guy
Honestly, [spoiler]a little surprised [/spoiler]
Vote 4 Pedro
Jesus’s pantyhose, these are hard! I guess I’ll go speaker. [spoiler]embrace the deep[/spoiler]
Edited by Alt Loot Crate: 4/25/2019 3:30:17 PM... Bamp... [spoiler]not a knock off[/spoiler]
This is tough...[spoiler]Im going to vote for Titansquirll[/spoiler]
Bump for Titan Squirrel