originally posted in:Raid GAF
Anyone who is up for this now (and probably next hour or so) reply please. Just say your psn and level and I'll add
27 hunter mcstoriez
Need one more for hard raid !! Add JuzJay
chrisvargas1989 Lvl 28 hunter
Ps4 Evol_408 Warlock selfres lvl 26
[quote]Anyone who is up for this now (and probably next hour or so) reply please. Just say your psn and level and I'll add[/quote] I'm down.
Uhrmacher85 PSN
Psn : Legendsforever445
PSN Gr3enW1lly
clbutcher78 add me lv 28
PSN: Mozy-G I'm a level 29 Titan, i want to do the raid on hard mode, who is up for it?
If anyone is up for doing the raid from tomorrow-Friday add me on PSN.
Fireflames360 Level 26 Warlock
27 Titan. Kwas_17
Iceman123454321 warlock 26
DJ_ILL_PHIL 27 warlock
Lvl 27 hunter. Royblaze005
Spacenads123 lvl 25
ID: muhha93 lvl 26 warlock
Antownage lvl 24 warlock
MR_UN1V3RS4L 26 warlock
Ps4 with mic psn: theflyinf lvl 27 Titan
Itsthejlaw Level 26 warlock sunsinger or 27 hunter bladedancer
ProvingMaple. 28
Lvl 26 defender titan psn ardaguner
28 hunter . ID: Skoaliosis_91