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Raid GAF

"Shoot first, ask questions last."

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  • Mission Statement

    This is a clan for GAF members who are interested in doing the more difficult and more rewarding PvE content in the game, such as raids, Nightfalls, and level 28 weeklies. Most of these folks are awfully good at Crucible too.

  • Membership

    3949 Members
    Total number of users that have joined this group
    10 Years as a Group
    Total number of years this group has been active
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originally posted in:Raid GAF
11/24/2014 7:38:49 PM

New Player (20) Looking For Strikes

Howdy folks - Just picked up a PS4 last weekend and have been slogging through Destiny and actually enjoying it. Almost level 21 now and looking for some pals to group up with and take on some strikes (and possibly raids if I ever get good enough drops). I'm coming from World of Warcraft (on and off for 10 years) and could really use some direction/communication when it comes to strikes - as well as having a good time and laughing with internet strangers! My PSN id is bemusedchunk and I'm on the east coast. Hope to hear from some of you guys later on.

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