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"A New Life. A New Monarchy."

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Edited by Flamerets: 4/11/2013 5:44:22 AM

Flamerets' Story Part 4

So this one is out a lot later than the usual ones, my computer was malfunctioning sadly. Thus I apologize to the people who do read this a specific time, though I'm not sure if anyone does. Anyways, I think I'm going to release the first chapter publicly and see the reaction to that; hopefully positive! without further ado, the fourth chapter. ==================== IV. A Memory ==================== "Who are you?" "I wish I knew that myself." I stood up from my knelt position, the shock of the event finally wearing off. Why is he here though? Why is he out here, so far from the safety of the city? The flames died down to mere sparks which sprinkled the surface of the dirt. The crater wasn't even truly a crater, so to speak. It was a perfectly burnt circle which stood black and brown amidst the white snow. He extended his left hand as a formality I suspect. I looked at it. He apparently realized his height and knelt down and asked, "You fine?" I didn't know how to respond to that - if I [i]should[/i] respond. After much thought, I settle on the simple answer of, "Yes." I know this was cold, but I've learned that it takes me a long time to warm up to anyone I meet. Being "warm" has gained me so very little in the world. Though my answer was less than stellar, I think I can sense a smile behind that metallic mask of his. He retracted his hand and stood up. "You should probably come with me," he added with a reassuring voice, "you'll be safer." I nod and begin moving toward the remnants of the Fallen. His right auxiliary arm was still stuck in the floor, though the skin was singed and the meat was burnt. I retrieved my pistol and hung it on my left thigh. I moved, heavy and slow, back towards the Guardians - hands still tingling from adrenaline. I stepped on something metallic, and it made a small rattling sound. I lifted my foot off the object and bent over to see what it was. It was the Fallen's rifle, though one side was black from the fire. I lifted the rifle from the dirt and held the heavy object with both hands. Maybe someday I'll get used to it. I slung it over my shoulder and tightened the sling across my chest. I looked to the floor as I approached the Warlock. "Ready now?" I nodded, not looking up from the floor, or the man's feet. After a brief pause, I saw his feet and coat turn and begin moving in the opposite direction. I followed the man after allowing a distance of a few steps. I followed his foot prints carefully, stepping where he stepped; stepping how it sounded like he stepped. "We'll be heading to my camp," he said over his shoulder, "it's off the mountain." I say nothing, but I'm confident he understood because he kept walking, never breaking his stride. However, he stopped moving shortly after that. I looked up and saw him standing at the peak of a cliff. Not doing a single action, just standing there and looking into the distance. His robe billowed backwards as the wind picked up momentarily. I walked forward; next to him. I looked into the same direction he was and strained my eyes to see. "Wait." For what? I couldn't comprehend what would justify waiting here, nor what we were waiting for. Even if something was there, this night was as black as the dark side of the moon. But, testing his judgement, I waited. Idly waiting there for what seemed like an eternity. I began to see the shades of purple and blue sky turn to reds and oranges. It seemed to bring a new life with its arrival here, as if today would be different from the rest I've been through. This feeling felt odd to me, and I've never once felt it before. Among the days where I'd drink muddy water and rotten meat, I found none of this sort of feeling. It is near indescribable. It's a feeling of euphoria - a feeling of [i]life[/i]. A feeling which seems as if its been lost in this world, and worlds, entirely. I took a deep breath, long and deep. The cool air filled my lungs and, for once, did no harm to me. It was not my enemy this morning, it was not trying to chill me, it was reviving me. For once, I was happy to be alive. With this new found life, I find that I must adopt a new name. I don't know why, but it felt like I had to. That I had to throw off the shackles of my past and at least try advancing towards the future. If I couldn't do that, simply live in the moment. Yes, I nearly died a few moments ago; but that was a few moments ago. I will not cower anymore, I've let too many people die for me to continue running away. "So kid, what's your name?" He didn't turn to look and see if I would answer, he knew I would this time. However, he allowed a silence to fall upon us, he allowed me to think for myself. "Zwei." I answered nearly automatically, "No. My name is Revelde. I am a cold person to most. They say I was unlike the rest of the people on the moon, all of which represented the light side of the moon." I stop to think about what else I should say, "I am representative of the darker side, the cold and shadowed part of the moon. Though I was of gentle birth, I was seen as a defect. My hair and personality mainly; they say I more resemble my long deceased ancestors than any of them." He allowed that to sink in before responding, "How old are you?" "13." I dangle my feet off the edge of the cliff and paused for a brief moment. "And you? Dax?" "I am a native of the last safe city we have on Earth. The one under the Traveler. I have no noble heritage or disastrous family history. Even if I did, that's all in the past now." I looked back at him to see if he would continue talking. "I am 21 years old; I became a Guardian once I was of age." He looked at me, "Maybe you should to." He turned around, back to the now full sun. "We should get going now." I got up and ran next to his side, "If we have time," he began, "I'll show you how to shoot that rifle." I smiled warmly at nothing in particular, then grabbed the pendant in my hand. I looked towards the sky; towards the moon. I began to speak softly, almost like a whisper "I swear," I gazed at the celestial body with hopeful and determined eyes, "I will return." In the back of my mind, or not, I heard a faint voice. A soft and melodic voice which floated on the breeze and whispered in my ear and reassured me of my destiny. [i]And I'll be waiting.[/i] ==================== Done and just in the nick of time! I'm going to go to bed now, I bid everyone a fair night or morning!

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