originally posted in:Seraphim Guard
Whether you're considering becoming a mythical Column, or you're interested in the beta, we're an Xbox One community looking for players. Check out our Letter of Introductions to see if we're the kind of Clan you want to be a part of! But, let's start sharing our Gamer Tags-
I am Mendicant Pax, send me a friend request!
Added all of you to my friends list. I'll see all of you guys on the 23rd. When the beta starts any spare time I've got will be spent on the beta, so hopefully we can all run a few strikes and Crucible matches.
GT: MOH DynAMiiK DS[spoiler]will be changing my gamertag soon so I message you[/spoiler]
Gt flemo01
GT: Hayabusam60 [spoiler]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/spoiler]
OH YEAH add me GT: Hexor Jenkins
rardo15 GT
My user name is my gamer tag. ONESIDE Ra
My gamertag is SsjJedi Really excited about this game.
Added you both! See you guys on the beta
My Gamertag is Cheddarr. friend request sent! =D