Legendary Six Coyotes
"Adventure Awaits..."
originally posted in:Legendary Six Coyotes
So this is as good any place to put up your desired new character customization features. Keep note that all of these are esthetic, and though I have a post up about Racial Traits and other features, this ain't the place for it, but I welcome the company and any talk of improvement is better then just a scolding. So let's start this up with a few:
[b]Hairstyle and Facial Hair Requests:[/b]
- [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Community/Detail?itemId=156097633]Awoken Hunter[/url] by Lilacalbino
- [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Community/Detail?itemId=156096867]queen of the reef[/url] by Noor
- [url=http://i.imgur.com/T7iCIFb.jpg]Jeanne D'Arc[/url] from Rage of Bahamut genesis
- [url=http://shorthairstyles.org.uk/short_hairstyles_pics/short_emo_hair_f.jpg]Fohawk[/url] from shorthairstyles.org.uk
- [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GSsHCWRhzj8/T04mFxRsrFI/AAAAAAAAB2c/kowbSB1c3e0/s1600/Amazing+Hairstyles21.jpg]Layered Bowlcut[/url] from 4.bp.BlogSpot.com
- [url=http://trendseve.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/amazing-2013-short-curly-hairstyles.jpg]Short Curles[/url] from trendseve.com
- [url=http://gvenny.com/images/amazing-prom-hairstyles/amazing-prom-hairstyles-49-6.jpg]Knotted Queen[/url] from gvenny.com
- Castithan Female Hairstyle 1 from defiance (yeah...couldn't find a picture, but it's the best bob/ponytail ever and has a samurai look to it. Nothing like a little hair bling and a lot of the styles from defiance would be nice too.)
- [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/farscape/images/1/14/Chiana01.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20061226204123]Chiana's Hairstyle[/url] from Farscape
- [url=http://cdn.phillymag.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/jeff-langum-world-beard-moustache-championships.jpg]Worlds Best Beard[/url] as seen by Jeff Langum
- [url=https://themoviewer.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/the-hunger-games-seneca-crane-beard.jpg]Wes Bently's Beard[/url] From the Hunger Games
- [url=http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1371315/thumbs/o-BEST-BEARD-PHOTOS-570.jpg?6]Spikecity Beard[/url] from i.huffpost.com
- [url=http://www.seaslugteam.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/sea_slugs_anime_blog_hair_gel_namako_probably_has_it.jpg]Hat head[/url] from Seaslugteam.com (actual hats would be nice, but the Hat head would still be pretty funny...
- [url=http://web-images.chacha.com/images/galleryimage-1867580927-aug-22-2011-600x721.jpg]curly mustache[/url] as seen from Rollie Fingers
- [url=http://www.lundmolfese.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/mrtumnus1.jpg]Double Goatee[/url] as seen by Mr. Tumnus from Chronicles of Narnia the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
- (former)[url=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcj8nzibsC1rieltko3_1280.jpg]King Logan's Hairstyle and Remnant[/url] beard as seen in Fable 3
- [url=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/9c/0f/f0/9c0ff055f5e7e17ccbe3dd66b3297ad3.jpg]Sir Walter's Hairstyle & Beard[/url](RIP) as seen in Fable 3(T-T I miss you Walter...)
[b]Make up and Tattoo Requests:[/b]
- [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-xLX3U5G2EAs/ThAnGcBAdOI/AAAAAAAAAMc/ZN14NKU7xeI/s1600/goth3_jpg.jpg]Iron Banner Eyeliner[/url] from 3.bp.blogspot.com
[b]Full Body Requests:[/b]
- [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e3/4e/b1/e34eb1e06ce93880a33f3c6579531ac6.jpg]Serious all of Marian Hawke(as close to this picture as possible)[/url]from Dragon Age 2
- [url=http://orig13.deviantart.net/3c0c/f/2011/096/f/c/dragon_age_2_hawke_by_halirar-d3de618.jpg]Male Hawke [/url]from Dragon Age 2(because someone might want to be him or at least use part of him, not me though)
- [url=http://mmgaming.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Mass-Effect-3-Female-Shepard-Wallpaper.jpg]Concept Femshep[/url] from Mass Effect 3(even though the game version was cool, it pales in comparison to the art here)
- [url=http://www.freeapplewallpapers.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Lara-Croft-Tomb-Raider-Fan-Art-540x960.jpg](New)Lara Croft[/url] from (newest)Tomb Raider(all of her, because hotter guardians is a must)
[b]*[i]More to follow, please feel free to post a request and please provide a picture if it's available, I know I have one on the list without one, but for some reason no one has it for view...weird...if you happen to have a front and back image of it I would greatly appreciate it.[/i][/b]