originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
Hello, this week the groups api was slightly updated and clanMembershipType array was removed. I used this array to determine if the person in the group was in the clan, and if so, which platform were they joined in on, and it was possible to be both.
I see a new field was added memberType, but when running it over my clan, a lot of people who I know are in the xbox clan, were showing up as 0. Is this a bug, or am I missing the way to determine?
I patched my code for now to see if there was a gamertag or psn id specified, but I'm not sure if that is right.
Ah, yes indeed! My apologies for the unannounced change - we've been working on Groups and Clans, and one of the changes involved a need for us to no longer attempt to collate all of this information every time someone made a request for group members. Unfortunately, this means that your pattern of access will have to change for your use case - for each platform you care about, you'll have to make a separate call to the "MembersV3" service, passing in a querystring parameter ?platformType=X, where X = the platform type you care about (the normal 1 = XBox, 2 = PSN). A little bit oddly from previous uses of this service, to get group members as opposed to Clan Members you still call this service, but don't pass in the platformType. Whoever you get back, *regardless of their other statuses with the group*, is a Clan member on that platform. Note that this means that a clan member may not even *be* a member of the BNet group, or even have a BNet account, but may still be a member of the Clan that the group "owns". What you will get back, however, is some useful info that should help in this brave new world: If the "user" property is populated, that is this user's Bungie.Net information if they have it and it's public. If they don't, or they've set the platform for which you searched to private, it will be NULL. The "membershipId" field can be used to uniquely identify the user. This will not necessarily be a Bungie.Net Membership ID - the type will be designated by the "membershipType" field, and uses the same 1 = XBox, 2 = PSN, 254 = BungieNet designation you've probably seen already. This does mean that you'll have to make multiple calls if you care about both platforms for a given clan (as well as possibly changes in your internal storage as far as what it means to be a clan member), but there are internal changes that unfortunately necessitate this split. That memberType field will be the group membership status: 2 = Founder, 1 = Admin, 0 = Member. Hopefully this helps!
I could look into it, can you let me know what platform endpoint you are using?