originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
Some time ago, I did some small C# client, and were pretty basic (just to gather my clan's pvp stats, lost interest when I found out I wasn't the best), and back then, i clearly remember that the first endpoint I was using, the Gamertag/PSN ID were case-insensitive. Now, GetMembershipIdByDisplayName is case sensitive so if I use "jpcortesp" it returns a not found, but if I use JPCortesP, it works as expected. Is there any workaround? I don't think alternating case of every char makes sense
To answer my own question, and hopefully help somebody else avoid hours of trying, I was wrong. There's two endpoints that (currently) can be used (at least from my experience): -GetMembershipIdByDisplayName, which is Case-Sensitive -SearchDestinyPlayer which is Case-Insensitive. I'm using the second now, and works as (I) expected, it means, will work just fine with http://bungie.net/platform/destiny/SearchDestinyPlayer/1/jpcortesp as http://bungie.net/platform/destiny/SearchDestinyPlayer/1/JPCortesP (correct case).
Hmm, I will bring this up for investigation.
well, are you trying to access your character data or someone else data? if is yours, you can log in and then you can request all the membershipIds, which will contain your xbox, psn or other ids and you can get the id from there, and then request the remaining of the data. But, it does require you to be authentificated